Recent content by bpitcher2013

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  1. bpitcher2013

    mining skript

    on block break: loop blocks in radius 2 of event-block: add loop-block to {_blocks.%player%::*} loop {_blocks.%player%::*}: drop loop-value set loop-block to air send "%{_blocks.%player%::*} parsed as number" to player
  2. bpitcher2013

    Set zombified piglin to aggressive on spawn

    on spawn of piglin: add "{Aggresive:1}" to nbt of last spawned piglin this should work if not try this on spawn of piglin: add "{Aggresive:}" to nbt of last spawned piglin [not tested]
  3. bpitcher2013

    [SKRIPT] Formatted Countdown

    options: prefix: &3Countdown &8> #messages permission: countdown.use nopermission: &cYou don't have permission to set the Countdown TooMuch: &cThis Argument is too much CountdownSet: &6The &3Countdown &6was set to &c%{Counter.Zahl}% Finish: &cCountdown finished...
  4. bpitcher2013

    Random lore item

    command /randosword: trigger: set {_a} to diamond sword set {_random} to a random integer between 1 and 10 set player's tool to air set {_a}'s lore to "&cУронь: {_random}" give player {_a}
  5. bpitcher2013

    Homing fireball

    on rightclick holding a fire charge: name of item is "&cFireball" make player shoot a fireball at speed 2 on right click with fire charge: if clicked block is set: cancel event
  6. bpitcher2013

    [HELP] Cauldron bug?

    on break: if event-block is hopper: cancel event on break: if event-block is cauldron: cancel event
  7. bpitcher2013

    gamemode group change

    on join: if player is in gamemode survival: execute console command "manuadd %player% default"
  8. bpitcher2013

    how to save a balance in a variable

    command /sell: trigger: set {_o} to number of all [item] in player's inventory * 200) set {_ns} to (number of all [item] in player's inventory * 150) set {_q} to (number of all [item] in player's inventory * 125) set {_e} to (number of all [item] in player's...
  9. bpitcher2013

    Not sure why my script doesn't work

    on right click holding Snowball: if player's tool is snowball: set {_waited} to difference between {snow.%player%.lastused} and now if {_waited} is less than 1 seconds: cancel event message "&eYou have to wait &a%difference between 1 seconds and...
  10. bpitcher2013

    Give all players fireball

    Hello I am making a event shop where you can buy things for events but I dont understand why this wont work, I have read the docs and im sill confused on how to do this I want it to give all players a fire charge name &cfireball Addons: Skquery, SkTuSKe, SkRayFall command /fireball...
  11. bpitcher2013

    Solved How to see if rank is

    Hello i have read the docs but i cant understand them this is what i have Minecraft Version:1.6.3 Skript: on death: if player's group is god make console execute command pex user %player% add Donor.list Errors: Can't understand this condition/effect: if player's group is...
  12. bpitcher2013

    Remove specific item from ground

    on drop: event-item is a apple cancel event not tested but this should work
  13. bpitcher2013

    Need Help

    When i reload it it says emerald ore, crying obsdian and a beacon is not a item can someone help? on right click: if clicked block is coal block: if player's tool is stick: if tool's name is "&d&lGen &a&lRemover": set event-block to air...
  14. bpitcher2013

    Solved Door Key

    Im trying to make a key for a door but its not working it says i made it correctly command /key2: trigger: give 1 tripwire hook with lore "&7House Key2" named "&6&lKey2" to player wait 3 ticks stop trigger on rightclick on iron door: if player is holding a...