Recent content by Bit

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  1. B

    Solved Variables getting reset on every while loop

    That's because an underscore defines a local variable. Instead it should be {counter::%player%}.
  2. B

    Drop table with chances

    Update to this, I'm still looking for a solution. The loot table has the following datapoints: Item, Price, Location (region where it should drop), Time min, Time max (these are the times between which it should be dropped), Weather (which weather is needed for it to drop). Does anyone have...
  3. B

    Reseting players uuid

    This would clear all inventories once. Consider removing all the playerdata from the world instead, so everything is being completely cleared, from Enderchest, to inventory to exp. Don't forget the possibility of Chests and Shulker Boxes, which would also need to be cleared. on join: if...
  4. B

    Drop table with chances

    Hey y'all, I'm currently working on a custom skript where I need my own loot table. There are items with a high percentage to drop and some with a low percentage, I could do chance of x: but as those loot tables would have around 70+ items, I've been looking around for a way to do this without...
  5. B

    how to make shield cooldown with skript-reflect?

    What version are you on? I can’t find your call in the 1.19 Javadocs
  6. B

    A bug where the same content is copied in scoreboard

    I had the problem too, I moved to Skore, where the setting of the Scoreboard is a lot smoother.
  7. B

    Trouble making a fireball deal 0 damage to player but 15 damage to other mobs

    if victim is a player: cancel event if victim is not a player: damage the victim by 15 hearts Try this
  8. B

    A bug where the same content is copied in scoreboard

    Please send your /skript info, to see what addon you are using for the scoreboard.
  9. B

    Solved Parse numbers to message string

    I'm looking for a snippet to parse numbers to a message string, the look I have in mind is this: The star is a value between 1 and 100, as well as the green block, both of them can be moved and I will update the title accordingly, I'm just unsure about the parsing of the values into the...
  10. B

    Solved Need help with adding eye to end portal frame

    What's the Skript Version? Is this Paper, Spigot? What's the Server Version?
  11. B

    Solved Need help with adding eye to end portal frame

    Skript Info should output the Server, Skript and Addon versions, if this is not available to you, please provide them by hand.
  12. B

    Solved Need help with adding eye to end portal frame

    What about this? on click: if event-block is end portal frame: if name of event-player's tool is "&5Summoning Eye": set block at location of event-block to end portal frame [eye=true] If this is not working, please send the output of /skript info here.
  13. B

    Solved villager jobs

    import: org.bukkit.event.entity.VillagerCareerChangeEvent on VillagerCareerChangeEvent: if "%event.getReason()%" is "LOSING_JOB": event.setCancelled(true) This should do the job.
  14. B

    Solved villager jobs

    With skript-reflect cancel VillagerCareerChangeEvent when the Reason is LOSING_JOB.
  15. B

    Tab list sorting - Null pointer Exception on client?

    Script Version (do not put latest): 2.6.2 Script Author: SkriptLang Minecraft Version: git-Paper-1620 (MC: 1.12.2) Full Code: on load: delete {ranks::*} delete {prefixes::*} set {ranks::staff} to "A-staff" set {ranks::donator} to "B-donator" set {ranks::player} to...