Recent content by Allesco

  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. Allesco

    Solved Server stops randomly

    Hello there, I really need your help because my servers always stop responding and I don't know why. Spigot can't help me because Spigot 1.8.8 is outdated. But I think it has something to do with Skript because of these errors. Error code: I hope anyone is able to...
  2. Allesco

    Solved [SKUNGEE] How to add a number to a network variable?

    Hello, Anyone knows how to add a number to a networj variable with Skungee? So, I tried different things, and this is the following line without errors: add 1 to network variable {logins} But idk why but the variable is still the same. No will added. Thank you for your help, Allesco
  3. Allesco

    [SKUNGEE] Global coinsystem and firstjoin skript help {GER/EN}

    Hello, I have two problems now. I want two scripts with "Skungee". _____________________ First problem: I want to create a script to broadcast a message to all players connected to the bungeecord server: on first join: if network variable {firstjoin.%player%} is set: stop...
  4. Allesco

    ID based Scoreboard

    Hello Skunity Community, I have a pvp server with a system which uses scoreboards for stats. I used this code so far: on join: while player is online: wait 1 ticks wipe player's sidebar set name of sidebar of player to "&8● &fKBFFA &8●" set score "&a" in...
  5. Allesco

    Solved Multi-language problem [GER/EN]

    Ah thank you! :emoji_wink: I just editing this. pls wait So yes, the following code works! command /cc: aliases: /clearchat,/chatclear permission: permission message: &8» &cDazu hast du keine Rechte! trigger: loop 200 times: broadcast ""...
  6. Allesco

    Solved Multi-language problem [GER/EN]

    Hello there, I want to create a system on my server, which supports german AND english. But I have problems with it. So here is a problem with a chatclear command. I want that the players who got the language "english" get the english message and "german" the german message. Here is my Skript...