Recent content by Adevy

  • Welcome to skUnity!

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  1. A

    Solved Send List Variable Without Conjunctions?

    Oh. I previously got an internal error when a line of tellraw got too fast, and it was fixed by splitting the tellraw into multiple variables, then calling them one by one like "/tellraw %player% %{tr1}%%{tr2}%", but now I've retried the same tellraw in one piece, and it worked just fine; so I...
  2. A

    Solved Send List Variable Without Conjunctions?

    In short; If {_nn::1} is "a", {_nn::2} is ",b" and {_nn:3} is "ac"; when I use broadcast "%{_nn::*}%" It will broadcast "a, ,b and ac", but I need the result to be "a,bac". Is there any way to accomplish this without merging them into one variable (because I will use that in a tellraw, and...