Recent content by _m1

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  1. M

    Help with particles

    Hey, i'm wondering if you can make particles pop up on open of a GUI. I'm not using TuSke, and I'm not planning on using it. Just using regular skript and SkQuery
  2. M

    Solved Help with kitGUI

    Yes that fixed it! Thanks. Also is there anyway on open of the GUI, a particle effect could be shown?
  3. M

    Solved Help with kitGUI

    Hey, I'm pretty new to skript, and i'm not using Tuske, and I'm not planning on using it. Just using regular skript. I've been working on a KitGUI, but i can't seem to make it so you can open another GUI within a GUI, it just automatically closes. Actual KitGUI:
  4. M

    Solved Help with skript

    Yes, that was the issue. Thanks
  5. M

    Solved Help with skript

    I'm currently working on a skript right now where it would open up a kit gui, and i'd like it so if the player doesn't have the permission "kit.legend" the kit would say: "unavailable" but if the player has the permission it would say "available" The problem i'm having is that when i give the...
  6. M

    Help with skript

    Updated to latest version of skript, and it's still not working:
  7. M

    Help with skript

    I'm running version 2.1.2 And the author is: Njol
  8. M

    Help with skript

    Still doesn't work
  9. M

    Help with skript

    Version 2.1.2 Can't seem to find SkQuery-Lime could you send me download link please? :)
  10. M

    Help with skript

    I put the exact same thing he put. I'm using: Skript Skellett SkQuery TuSKe WildSkript skRayFall
  11. M

    Help with skript Not working
  12. M

    Help with skript

    Hey, so i'm pretty new with skript, and I need help with a skript i've been working on for a while, but can't get it to work. I basically need a GUI to pop up (Which I already know how to do and add commands on clickable items), but i'm trying to figure out how to make a clickable item execute 2...