Solved Client Block not working?

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Nov 10, 2018
I have SKQuery, and whenever I try to use the "make %player% see %block% as %item type%" function, it says it's not a boolean yes/no. Any help?
every tick:
    loop all players:
        if loop-player is holding empty map:
            if {build.%loop-player%} is set:
                make player see targeted block as 95:5

Which version of Spigot are you using?
And which version of Skript are you using?
Also which version of SkQuery are you using?
(Please answer without saying latest)
Which version of Spigot are you using?
And which version of Skript are you using?
Also which version of SkQuery are you using?
(Please answer without saying latest)
Spigot 1.8.8.
I don't know how to check for the specific update, but in-game it tells me the latest stable version.
skQuery 4.0 prerelease 2.
You can check versions of any plugin using /ver plugin
So just run /ver skript
Also, I have never heard of SkQuery 4, so I have really no idea about that.
Majority of people use SkQuery 3 or SkQuery lime's fork
You can check versions of any plugin using /ver plugin
So just run /ver skript
Also, I have never heard of SkQuery 4, so I have really no idea about that.
Majority of people use SkQuery 3 or SkQuery lime's fork

I found the version of the latest file on bukkit, it said skquery 4.0 prerelease 2, my mistake.

I found the version of the latest file on bukkit, it said skquery 4.0 prerelease 2, my mistake.
This issue might be with your Skript version but I am unsure.
I personally haven't used that version since its been unmaintained and unsupported for about 4 years now.
Most of the community uses Bensku's fork.
He is the current maintainer of the project.
His goal was to bring a working Skript version into the MC world of 1.9+, that being said, its not officially supported on 1.8.8 but it has been said to work.
I would highly recommend updating. The latest version that has still been said to work is Skript 2.2 Dev37c

Good news and bad news:
Good News = By updating you gain a lot of new features, actual support, new syntaxes, etc.
Bad News = There have been a decent amount of changes in Skript since Bensku took over the project. Due to that some of your skripts may be "Broken" .... its not generally the case of your skripts being broken, as much as its the addons being broken. Some addons, like SkQuery and Tuske have been forked by members of the community and updated to work on Bensku's fork of Skript.

SkQuery was forked by lime, and the current working version for Bensku's fork of Skript is SkQuery-Lime

I highly recommend updating all your stuff. It may seem like a trying task right now, but it will be well worth it in the long run. Plus by using updated plugins you will be able to get proper support

Special note:
The client block thing was added into Skript in Dev37c which means you wouldn't even need SkQuery for that. Plus it works MUCH better than the SkQuery syntax
Send Block Change
This issue might be with your Skript version but I am unsure.
I personally haven't used that version since its been unmaintained and unsupported for about 4 years now.
Most of the community uses Bensku's fork.
He is the current maintainer of the project.
His goal was to bring a working Skript version into the MC world of 1.9+, that being said, its not officially supported on 1.8.8 but it has been said to work.
I would highly recommend updating. The latest version that has still been said to work is Skript 2.2 Dev37c

Good news and bad news:
Good News = By updating you gain a lot of new features, actual support, new syntaxes, etc.
Bad News = There have been a decent amount of changes in Skript since Bensku took over the project. Due to that some of your skripts may be "Broken" .... its not generally the case of your skripts being broken, as much as its the addons being broken. Some addons, like SkQuery and Tuske have been forked by members of the community and updated to work on Bensku's fork of Skript.

SkQuery was forked by lime, and the current working version for Bensku's fork of Skript is SkQuery-Lime

I highly recommend updating all your stuff. It may seem like a trying task right now, but it will be well worth it in the long run. Plus by using updated plugins you will be able to get proper support

Special note:
The client block thing was added into Skript in Dev37c which means you wouldn't even need SkQuery for that. Plus it works MUCH better than the SkQuery syntax
Send Block Change
Updated skript:

Updated skript:
Nevermind, updated skquery to the latest fork and no errors appeared, although, my events aren't working such as "if player is holding stone" for example.
Updated skript:

Nevermind, updated skquery to the latest fork and no errors appeared, although, my events aren't working such as "if player is holding stone" for example.
Had to make changes with the new events and conditions to make it work, how would I set the block where the player is looking to a fake block?
I tried "make loop-player see targeted block as 95:5" but it says there's no player in periodical event.
AHH I see the problem.
So to explain:
Its basically confused because it things "target block of what?"
So you need to specify
try tihs
every tick:
    loop all players:
        if loop-player is holding empty map:
            if {build.%loop-player%} is set:
                make loop-player see target block of loop-player as stone
AHH I see the problem.
So to explain:
Its basically confused because it things "target block of what?"
So you need to specify
try tihs
every tick:
    loop all players:
        if loop-player is holding empty map:
            if {build.%loop-player%} is set:
                make loop-player see target block of loop-player as stone
Works like a charm :emoji_grinning:
But is there any way to remove that block when another is placed? Also making it so it does the block in front/ontop of the targeted block?
just use a block place event, and update that block
You might need to use variables and such to save where the block is located.
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