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  1. Brot

    Need Help With TusKe "If click type"

    Hello i Need help with my Code: I want to test if the player has clicked with "Shift left click" Addons: Skript 1.14.4 SkQuery 1.14.4 TuSKe 1.14.4 #CODE #+ if arg-1 is "+1": add 1 to {am.%player%} make player execute command "/enchant" if click...
  2. X

    Addon Tuske NOT WORKING

    I have an addon called Tuske if i try to make a GUI i get this: [ERROR] #!#! [ERROR] #!#! [Skript] Severe Error: [ERROR] #!#! [ERROR] #!#! Something went horribly wrong with Skript. [ERROR] #!#! This issue is NOT your fault! You probably can't fix it yourself, either. [ERROR] #!#! It looks like...

    Solved can't open hopper send Error (FIXED)

    My Code: open hopper named "Gui are Working" to player ERROR: Can't understand this condition/effect: open hopper named "Gui are NOT Working" to player my Addons/Plugins: Skript 2.2 Fixes V8 Skellett 1.9.6b SkQuery 3.6.0-Lime WildSkript 1.8 skDragon 0.15 TuSKe 1.8.1...
  4. jeelzzz

    Solved Functions in GUIs using TuSKE

    I'm trying to make a shop gui, but it does not load the item in the gui because it does not return a value. My gui code: command /h: trigger: open virtual chest inventory with 6 rows named "&bShop" to player format gui slot 22 of player with steak named "&6Steak" with lore...

    Solved GUI shift right click (using TuSke)

    Hello i need a little Help on inventory click: if clicked type is shift right mouse button: send "work" why is my code dont work can anyone make a Example Code help me!!
  6. M

    Script PunishmentGUI 0.1

    PunishmentGUI PunishmentGUI is a script that allows you to punish rule-breakers with a simple GUI! Commands: /punishments <player> /punish <player> Configuration: Everything is configurable! You can configure texts and effects! Dependencies: Skript 2.4-beta5 TuSKe 1.8.2 A plugin that can...
  7. Riknesh

    AuthMe Reloaded conditions

    Im trying to use the authme condition but its not working On join: authme player is registered: Broadcast "asdasd" Im running on PaperSpigot 1.14.4 with Skript 2.4-beta5 and also TusKe 1.8.2-Pikachu-Patch-3 Any other way I can fix this?
  8. dreike

    Solved TuSKe GUI with SkStuff NBT.

    https://pastebin.com/BLXXJ8Xt This repeats itself 10 times.
  9. KingAdmin_YT

    Solved "Function" in "Tuske" doesn't work.

    on load: load yaml "plugins/SanalMarket/market.yml" as "market.yml" load yaml "plugins/SanalMarket/ayarlar.yml" as "ayarlar.yml" command /market: trigger: market(player) function market(p: player): open virtual chest with 6 row named "&b&lMarket" to {_p} loop yaml...
  10. LeStegii

    Custom Enchantments

    Hello, im using Tuske to create Custom Enchantments and the won't work properly... Spigot: 1.12.2 Plugins: Tuske, Skript Skript: 2.4-alpha3 Tuske: 1.8.2-Pikachu-Patch-3 Problem: Everything works with no errors but it wont send the message "Glowing" (on damage event).
  11. M

    gui click event won't work

    format gui slot 0 of player with black glass named "&c&lEpic test item" to run console command "buyitem black glass %player% black glass" using left mouse button when i open the gui it won't execute any command and i can just take it out i use TuSke for GUIs
  12. XxItzMichaelxX

    Tuske: Help with eval.

    Hello, my discord eval command works, but is there any way for me to change the message of the evaluation like it just sends the result of the eval. I would like to make a custom message that has the result of the eval in it. The attached images is how I want it. Here is my code. discord command...
  13. Riknesh

    Custom enchantments

    How can i check if a tool is enchanted with a custom enchant from TusKe This doesnt seem to work command /testhand: trigger: broadcast "%custom enchantment on player's tool%" if player's tool has custom enchantment Test: broadcast "Has" else...
  14. J

    I keep getting the same error with TuSKe

    I'm trying to make a simple ban GUI using the Skript addon TuSKe. I've tried finding the solution to my problem but everything I find gives me the same error. It opens the menu for me but the item doesn't show up. command /sban [<text>]: permission: staff.sban permission message: &c&lYou...
  15. Aidanete

    Solved I had a problem with TuSKe GUIs and Permissions

    A day ago, I tried to use LuckPerms for my server, and was very cool and worked fine, anyway, I had a problem that when you execute a command from a TuSKe GUI when deopped, also when you have the permission to execute that command, it will not work, also I tried to use the command in chat and...
  16. Blobbyguy

    Solved TuSke GUI manager issues.

    Hey, so I loaded my GUI's up today (TuSke) and all of a sudden I'm getting errors all over the place and I'm not too sure what's happened. There were no errors previously and everything WAS working fine. Code: ``` make gui slot 13 with {_nextItem} named "%{_nextName}%" with lore...
  17. K

    Problem with custom recipes

    Hello ! I'm trying to make recipes using items cith custom lores with TuSKe (https://github.com/Tuke-Nuke/TuSKe/wiki/Recipe-Manager), but that doesn't seem to be working. Can you help me ? I'm using the last Spigot version with Skript Bensku dev35b and TuSKe 1.8.2. Options: #Copper...
  18. Riknesh

    Solved Tuske GUI Error

    I faced this error few months ago. But one of the Moderators [ @Pikachu ] gave me a link to download a new Tuske jar.But the link isnt working now.I dont have the Tuske.jar since im using another laptop. So is there any other way to fix this error? The GUI works when I click it while im opped...
  19. Tinkot

    Solved How to return slot at "On item damage" event

    Hey, i can't figure out how to return the slot of the event-item with the "on item damage" event. I am trying to multiply item damage on my server. so i tried this and it works 100%. but i can't damage the item because i don't know how to get the slot the item is at. Anyone can help me out? on...
  20. Runakai

    Solved Umbaska and TuSKe error

    Hello, me again. When i was restarting my server i got some errors from Umbaska and TuSKe. I don't know if this is the correct thread so: I am sorry if its not! [19:39:11 INFO]: [Umbaska] Enabling Umbaska v3.3 [19:39:11 INFO]: [Umbaska] The config...