Better Text Displays

Script Better Text Displays 2.0

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Supported Skript Version
  1. 2.7
  2. 2.8
Supported Minecraft Versions
  1. 1.19
  2. 1.20
Adds a command (/textdisplay) which allows you to create, copy or remove text displays in your world. SkBee was the addon used for the text displays. The command supports mini messages as the text, so make the most of that.

This script requires Skript (obviously) and SkBee. It was coded using versions 2.7.3 and 3.1.0 respectively. For Skript 2.6.4 and older, use version 1.4 of this script.

Creating a text display:
  • Use /textdisplay create <id> <text to display>
  • Don't forgot that the text displays support mini message features, such as <rainbow>, <bold> and <strikethrough>, just to name a few.
  • An example of this command could be something like this:
    • /textdisplay create testDisplay <rainbow>First line||&9&lSecond line||<red><strikethrough>Third line
Copying a text display:
  • Use /textdisplay copy <id> to create a copy of an already registered display. Updates to the "master" display will be reflected instantly in all the copies.
Adding a line to a text display:
  • Using /textdisplay addline <id> <line(s) to add> will add whatever lines you specify to the text display provided.
  • These lines also support mini messages, as well as using "||" to denote where a new line should be.
Setting the line of a text display:
  • Setting a line is done by using /textdisplay setline <id> <line number> <newLine>.
  • Unlike when creating a text display, or adding lines, setting lines doesn't allow the usage of "||" to set multiple lines at once.
Removing a text display:
  • Use the command /textdisplay remove and the script will autofill the id's of the currently registered text displays.
  • An example of this command could be:
    • /textdisplay remove testDisplay
Listing the text displays:
  • Using the command /textdisplay list will provide a list of all currently registered text displays. Each display listed has a hover and click event which show relevant data and suggest the removal command respectively.
First release
Last update
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More resources from cheezburga

Latest updates

  1. v2.0 - properties and clean up

    Added 3 new properties for text displays to use: billboard, background colour, and background...
  2. v1.5 - small changes

    - Stopped SkBee throwing a warning regarding how the text displays are spawned. - Should now...