I've been trying to wrap my head around this for hours with no luck,
I can get a zombie to pathfind to a location but i can't seem to get him to stop pathfinding even if i remove his AI and attack him he'll always pathfind to this 1 location.
Maybe someone who is smarter can try tackle it but basically the zombie needs to be able to pathfind from 1 location to another and must do the following
- Attack another zombie if in a 3 block radius of it
- Attack a player if the player attacks the zombie
If the zombie is attacked by a player then it'll follow the player until it's out of range lets say the distance between the player and the zombie is less than 5 then return the zombie to pathfind to that location
I've tried to do this but can't get the zombie to stop pathfind to the location.
I was using SkQuerys
Would be great if someone could try tackle this problem, not to sure if it's just because i'm stupid or my skquery is bugged or what not -_- haha.
I can get a zombie to pathfind to a location but i can't seem to get him to stop pathfinding even if i remove his AI and attack him he'll always pathfind to this 1 location.
Maybe someone who is smarter can try tackle it but basically the zombie needs to be able to pathfind from 1 location to another and must do the following
- Attack another zombie if in a 3 block radius of it
- Attack a player if the player attacks the zombie
If the zombie is attacked by a player then it'll follow the player until it's out of range lets say the distance between the player and the zombie is less than 5 then return the zombie to pathfind to that location
I've tried to do this but can't get the zombie to stop pathfind to the location.
I was using SkQuerys
make %[URL='http://skunity.com/types#LivingEntity']living entities[/URL]% pathfind to %[URL='http://skunity.com/types#Location']location[/URL]% with speed %[URL='http://skunity.com/types#Number']number[/URL]%
Would be great if someone could try tackle this problem, not to sure if it's just because i'm stupid or my skquery is bugged or what not -_- haha.