zombie game

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Oct 28, 2022
I have been building a zombie mini-game and can't figure out how to spawn zombies at specific points. Its the only thing I need to finish the game

example: you place down a block and it acts as a spawner because using spawners are ugly.
found a great example with no info at all here:
  1. so I want it to detect when the mob has died so it can spawn another zombie
  2. maybe only if a player is in a radius of 20?

server is on 1.19.2

I have searched on many sites, on youtube, on discord and have tried making it myself but I just can't do it and would appreciate it if someone could help me.
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Install vault https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/34315
and then use player's prefix
[doublepost=1667469858,1667469737][/doublepost]For the spawn thing:
on load:
    add location(x, y, z, world "name of world", yaw, pitch or other way) to {-spawnlocs::*}
    add location(x, y, z, world "name of world", yaw, pitch or other way) to {-spawnlocs::*}
    add location(x, y, z, world "name of world", yaw, pitch or other way) to {-spawnlocs::*}

every 2 minutes:
    loop {-spawnlocs::*}:
        spawn zombie at loop-value
Install vault https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/34315
and then use player's prefix
[doublepost=1667469858,1667469737][/doublepost]For the spawn thing:
on load:
    add location(x, y, z, world "name of world", yaw, pitch or other way) to {-spawnlocs::*}
    add location(x, y, z, world "name of world", yaw, pitch or other way) to {-spawnlocs::*}
    add location(x, y, z, world "name of world", yaw, pitch or other way) to {-spawnlocs::*}

every 2 minutes:
    loop {-spawnlocs::*}:
        spawn zombie at loop-value
thanks so much for that! never used the yaw pitch and I was wondering what should I set it as
As for spawning zombies at specific points without using traditional spawners, have you considered using trigger zones or invisible markers? Sometimes setting up invisible markers with specific scripts can trigger zombie spawns effectively. It might take a bit of scripting finesse, but it could give you more control and aesthetic freedom. I enjoy relaxing with online solitaire games. It's a great way to unwind after a busy day. Also, I've had some positive experiences playing casino games with friends—nothing beats a fun night out with good company! Good luck with your game development!
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