[YouTube] Ripdog1's Channel - Skript Tutorials, Minecraft Minigames and More!

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Apr 7, 2017
United States
Hello guys, I just recently started a YouTube channel that I will be posting Skript tutorials on the basics about Skript and will be going more into depth as the tutorials proceed. I will also be uploading other videos such as minigames, unique survival series, and much more.

If you ever need any help with Skript, just watch my tutorials and hopefully they can help with some of the newer members of Skript. I can also answer questions you may have regarding Skript or my channel. I am still currently learning about lots of the more detailed and experienced features you can create using Skript, so I am by no means an expert.

If you like what I do or create, then consider subscribing and it will give me more incentive to continue and create better content for you guys. Thank you for reading and have a great day!

Below is my first video explaining a Spigot server installation that includes installing Skript.

On a side note, if you want to follow what I am doing or uploading or want to hear some updates about my upload schedule, then follow me on Twitter @Ripdog1_