XP multiplier and unmultiplier depending on kills/deaths

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Apr 19, 2024
Skript needed
Suggested name:
Spigot/Skript Version:
What I want:
I would like a skript/plugin for an exp multiplier based on your kills/deaths.


a player will start at a 1x exp multiplier, which will be 1 point (similair to the strength plugin). Basically the player can go to -5 and to 5x EXP. Every EXP will change your exp multiplier by 0.2
5: 2x
4: 1.8x
3: 1.6x
2: 1.4x
1: 1.2x
0: 1x
-1: 0.8x
-2: 0.6x
-3: 0.4x
-4: 0.2x
-5: 0x

1 death will equal to -1 EXP
1 kill with equal to +1 EXP

I'd also like an item called
&a+1 ᴇxᴘ

that will you you 1 more exp

Id also like the action bar to show your current EXP multiplier

Only player kills/deaths should count
optional: Killing the same player 3x in a row wont give any more multipliers

A similair plugin to this is the strength smp plugin

Ideas for commands:
/withdraw exp

takes away 1 of your EXP increments and gives you the
+1 exp item

When I'd like it by: Friday May 2nd
(later date is fine)

my discord is bewff incase anyone prefers talking over discord
Thank you :emoji_grinning:
theres an open source levels smp plugin that does this [if ur tryna add it to levelsgen] also hi bewf im Yushaa
theres an open source levels smp plugin that does this [if ur tryna add it to levelsgen] also hi bewf im Yushaa
hi, yah gonna add the multiplier to levelsgen ill look into the plug-in ty
theres an open source levels smp plugin that does this [if ur tryna add it to levelsgen] also hi bewf im Yushaa
Couldn't rlly find one that had what I was looking for that's similair to the strength smp plugin
I can absolutely make this.

Also what's the strength SMP and do you prefer it as a plugin, mod, or skript?
the strength smp is basically when you kill a player, you get +1 strength (not the effect but more damage) up to 4 or 5, and the same way with player deaths, i just want that with an exp multiplier, PLUGIN or SKRIPT whichever you're more comfortable with. thank you lots
this requires skript-reflect
tell me if it works
on death:
    if damager is a player:
        set {_a} to {exp::%uuid of damager%.multiplier}
        if {exp::%uuid of damager%.multiplier} is not set:
            set {_a} to 0
        set {_multi} to ({_a} + 5) / 5
        set {_xp} to event.getDroppedExp()
    if victim is not a player:
    add 1 to {exp::%uuid of damager%.multiplier}
    if {exp::%uuid of damager%.multiplier} is greater than 5:
        set {exp::%uuid of damager%.multiplier} to 5
    else if {exp::%uuid of damager%.multiplier} is less than -5:
        set {exp::%uuid of damager%.multiplier} to -5
    send "&aNew EXP Multiplier: &f%({exp::%uuid of damager%.multiplier} + 5) / 5%x" to damager
every 2 seconds:
    loop all players:
        set {_a} to {exp::%uuid of loop-player%.multiplier}
        if {exp::%uuid of loop-player%.multiplier} is not set:
            set {_a} to 0
        set {_multi} to ({_a} + 5) / 5
        set action bar of loop-player to "&aEXP Multiplier: &f%{_multi}%x"
command /giveorb [player]:
    permission: op
        set {_arg} to arg-1
        if arg-1 is not set:
            set {_arg} to player
        give player 1 heart of the sea named "&b+1 EXP" with lore "&eRight-Click &7to redeem a +1 EXP multiplier"
on right click:
    if player's tool is heart of the sea named "&b+1 EXP" with lore "&eRight-Click &7to redeem a +1 EXP multiplier":
        if {exp::%uuid of player%.multiplier} is 5:
            send "&4You are already at max multiplier!" to player
        add 1 to {exp::%uuid of player%.multiplier}
        remove player's tool from player's inventory
        send "&aNew EXP Multiplier: &f%({exp::%uuid of player%.multiplier} + 5) / 5%x"

command /withdrawexp <number=1>:
    if {exp::%uuid of player%.multiplier} is -5:
        send "&4You can't withdraw any more" to player
    remove 1 from {exp::%uuid of player%.multiplier}
    give player 1 heart of the sea named "&b+1 EXP" with lore "&eRight-Click &7to redeem a +1 EXP multiplier"
Okay, I'll check it out when the owner is on and let you know. thank you
A couple lines longer but this should work better due to using NBT tags and MetaData.
Requires SkBee and skript-reflect.

This is NOT tested and was written on the SkUnity Parser, so it may not work. I will rewrite it on a more recent Skript version if necessary

    max-multiplier: 5  #can't be bigger than 127
    min-multiplier: -5 #don't make this higher than max
    # this ^ can't be smaller than -128

on death of player:
    metadata tag "xpm" of victim is not set:
        byte tag "XPM" of nbt compound of victim is set:
            set metadata tag "xpm" of victim to byte tag "XPM" of nbt compound of victim
            wait 1 tick
            set {_d} to metadata tag "xpm" of victim
            {@min-multiplier} < {_d}:
                set metadata tag "xpm" of victim to -1+{_d}
            delete byte tag "XPM" of nbt compound of victim
            send action bar "&cYou have no saved XP multiplier. Resetting to 0." to victim
            set metadata tag "xpm" of victim to 0
    attacker is a player:
        metadata tag "xpm" of attacker is not set:
            byte tag "XPM" of nbt compound of attacker is set:
                set metadata tag "xpm" of attacker to byte tag "XPM" of nbt compound of attacker
                wait 1 tick
                set {_d} to metadata tag "xpm" of attacker
                {@max-multiplier} > {_d}:
                    set metadata tag "xpm" of attacker to 1+{_d}
                delete byte tag "XPM" of nbt compound of victim
                send action bar "&cYou have no saved XP multiplier. Resetting to 0." to attacker
                set metadata tag "xpm" of attacker to 0
    metadata tag "xpm" of attacker is set:
        metadata tag "xpm" of attacker is not 0
        set {_xp} to metadata tag "xpm" of attacker

on leave:
    set byte tag "XPM" of nbt compound of player to metadata tag "xpm" of player
on join:
    while player is online:
        set {_d} to metadata tag "xpm" of player
        send action bar "&aXP Multiplier: &6%{_d}%" to player
        wait 2 seconds

command givexpitem <player=%player%>:
    permission: *
        give arg-1 heart of the sea named "&b+1 EXP" with lore "&eRight-Click &7to redeem a +1 EXP multiplier"

on right click:
    name of 1 of player's tool contains "&b+1 EXP":
        set {_d} to metadata tag "xpm" of player
        {@max-multiplier} > {_d}:
            set metadata tag "xpm" of player to 1+{_d}
            remove 1 of player's tool from player
            send action bar "&bYou reedemed +1 XP multipler!" to player
            send action bar "&bYou have hit the max XP multipler!" to player
A couple lines longer but this should work better due to using NBT tags and MetaData.
Requires SkBee and skript-reflect.

This is NOT tested and was written on the SkUnity Parser, so it may not work. I will rewrite it on a more recent Skript version if necessary

    max-multiplier: 5  #can't be bigger than 127
    min-multiplier: -5 #don't make this higher than max
    # this ^ can't be smaller than -128

on death of player:
    metadata tag "xpm" of victim is not set:
        byte tag "XPM" of nbt compound of victim is set:
            set metadata tag "xpm" of victim to byte tag "XPM" of nbt compound of victim
            wait 1 tick
            set {_d} to metadata tag "xpm" of victim
            {@min-multiplier} < {_d}:
                set metadata tag "xpm" of victim to -1+{_d}
            delete byte tag "XPM" of nbt compound of victim
            send action bar "&cYou have no saved XP multiplier. Resetting to 0." to victim
            set metadata tag "xpm" of victim to 0
    attacker is a player:
        metadata tag "xpm" of attacker is not set:
            byte tag "XPM" of nbt compound of attacker is set:
                set metadata tag "xpm" of attacker to byte tag "XPM" of nbt compound of attacker
                wait 1 tick
                set {_d} to metadata tag "xpm" of attacker
                {@max-multiplier} > {_d}:
                    set metadata tag "xpm" of attacker to 1+{_d}
                delete byte tag "XPM" of nbt compound of victim
                send action bar "&cYou have no saved XP multiplier. Resetting to 0." to attacker
                set metadata tag "xpm" of attacker to 0
    metadata tag "xpm" of attacker is set:
        metadata tag "xpm" of attacker is not 0
        set {_xp} to metadata tag "xpm" of attacker

on leave:
    set byte tag "XPM" of nbt compound of player to metadata tag "xpm" of player
on join:
    while player is online:
        set {_d} to metadata tag "xpm" of player
        send action bar "&aXP Multiplier: &6%{_d}%" to player
        wait 2 seconds

command givexpitem <player=%player%>:
    permission: *
        give arg-1 heart of the sea named "&b+1 EXP" with lore "&eRight-Click &7to redeem a +1 EXP multiplier"

on right click:
    name of 1 of player's tool contains "&b+1 EXP":
        set {_d} to metadata tag "xpm" of player
        {@max-multiplier} > {_d}:
            set metadata tag "xpm" of player to 1+{_d}
            remove 1 of player's tool from player
            send action bar "&bYou reedemed +1 XP multipler!" to player
            send action bar "&bYou have hit the max XP multipler!" to player
This does look a lot better, ill try it out and I appreciate it, will i need any addons for it?
That awkward moment when the addons you need are right at the top of the message.
anyways ill lyk if it works in a few hours when the owner is on

I ran the skript through SKeditor's analyzer and there are (not sure how accurate it is) 5 errors on lines:


its prolly tweaking tho so ill check with the server in a few