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Script WorldGuard Addon Script for Servers 1.0

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Neelix_bear updated WorldGuard Gens Script with a new update entry:

WorldGuard Gens Script

This Plugin adds the commands
/protectregion and
these commands if you do them and then the region name the console will then execute the commands to add all the flags then broadcast to you when their done!
one thing is your world MUST be named world to work unless you go into the script and change stuff from world to [worldname]
this is an addon to worldguard not a replacement

Read the rest of this update entry...
good :\ now review that one please just don't say something like "It's just a bad script in general" Please.
Neelix_bear updated WorldGuard Script for Servers with a new update entry:

New Commands And Added Less Lag Waits To Script

Theres New waits at the end of the trigger line so the server doesnt lag
New Commands:
/protectrgallowfb: allows usage of functional blocks like Anvils Trapdoors crafting tables, Etc
/protectrgdenyspawn: Deny's the spawning of mobs in that region
/protectallrg: Combines all the protectregion commands and makes it into one command
The command /protectallrg still requires you to put a region name at the end!

Read the rest of this update entry...
well they make my server lag less so they dont break anything why does it matter the script works in game and its also to let worldguard register the commands
well they make my server lag less so they dont break anything why does it matter the script works in game and its also to let worldguard register the commands
So what are you doing to test lag?
Ram usage? Depends on time
Cpu usage? A message doesn’t hurt cpu
You don’t even check if worldguard registered those commands the message just has a useless delay, if you really want to reduce lag add waits between the commands
So what are you doing to test lag?
Ram usage? Depends on time
Cpu usage? A message doesn’t hurt cpu
You don’t even check if worldguard registered those commands the message just has a useless delay, if you really want to reduce lag add waits between the commands
if the script works as its supposed to then theres no problem with it