Why is it thinking I'm talking about banner patterns?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2023
so I had a server awhile back and today I decide to go through and update everything, and I know this usually means skript is gonna give errors so I was ready, but I just don't know what the problem here is, its giving me errors like this


I don't know why its trying to say "is not a banner pattern type"
here's the part of my code that's giving errors:
on right click with paper:
    if event-item is paper of silk touch with all item flags named "&2&lEmerald Rank" with lore "&6Right click for &2&lEmerald &6Rank":
        remove paper of silk touch with all item flags named "&2&lEmerald Rank" with lore "&6Right click for &2&lEmerald &6Rank" from player
        execute command "/pr setrank %player% Emerald"
    if event-item is paper of silk touch with all item flags named "&5&lShulkR Rank" with lore "&6Right click for &5&lShulkR &6Rank":
        remove paper of silk touch with all item flags named "&5&lShulkR Rank" with lore "&6Right click for &5&lShulkR &6Rank" from player
        execute command "/pr setrank %player% ShulkR"
    if event-item is paper of silk touch with all item flags named "§x§0§0§F§F§0§A&lW§x§1§D§C§C§3§B&la§x§3§9§9§9§6§C&lr§x§5§6§6§6§9§D&lp§x§7§2§3§3§C§E&le§x§8§F§0§0§F§F&lr Rank" with lore "&6Right click for §x§0§0§F§F§0§A&lW§x§1§D§C§C§3§B&la§x§3§9§9§9§6§C&lr§x§5§6§6§6§9§D&lp§x§7§2§3§3§C§E&le§x§8§F§0§0§F§F&lr &6Rank":
        remove paper of silk touch with all item flags named "§x§0§0§F§F§0§A&lW§x§1§D§C§C§3§B&la§x§3§9§9§9§6§C&lr§x§5§6§6§6§9§D&lp§x§7§2§3§3§C§E&le§x§8§F§0§0§F§F&lr Rank" with lore "&6Right click for §x§0§0§F§F§0§A&lW§x§1§D§C§C§3§B&la§x§3§9§9§9§6§C&lr§x§5§6§6§6§9§D&lp§x§7§2§3§3§C§E&le§x§8§F§0§0§F§F&lr &6Rank" from player
        execute command "/pr setrank %player% Warper"
    if event-item is paper of silk touch with all item flags named "&4&lRevive...?":
        if player does not have permission "skript.lifesteal.revive":
            remove paper of silk touch with all item flags named "&4&lRevive...?" from player
            execute command "/pr addplayerperm %player% skript.lifesteal.revive"
            send "&cThe power of the gods overwelms you... (you cannot use this without using /revive first)" to player
    if event-item is paper of silk touch with all item flags named "§x§9§C§0§0§F§B&lC§x§A§D§0§0§D§1&lr§x§B§D§0§0§A§7&le§x§C§E§0§0§7§E&la§x§D§E§0§0§5§4&lt§x§E§F§0§0§2§A&lo§x§F§F§0§0§0§0&lr":
        remove paper of silk touch with all item flags named "§x§9§C§0§0§F§B&lC§x§A§D§0§0§D§1&lr§x§B§D§0§0§A§7&le§x§C§E§0§0§7§E&la§x§D§E§0§0§5§4&lt§x§E§F§0§0§2§A&lo§x§F§F§0§0§0§0&lr" from player
        execute command "/pr setrank %player% Creator"
    if event-item is paper of silk touch with all item flags named "&x&F&B&0&0&0&0&lG&x&F&B&2&0&0&0&le&x&F&B&4&0&0&0&ln&x&F&B&6&0&0&0&le&x&F&B&8&0&0&0&lr&x&F&A&9&F&0&0&la&x&F&A&B&F&0&0&lt&x&F&A&D&F&0&0&lo&x&F&A&F&F&0&0&lr":
        remove paper of silk touch with all item flags named "&x&F&B&0&0&0&0&lG&x&F&B&2&0&0&0&le&x&F&B&4&0&0&0&ln&x&F&B&6&0&0&0&le&x&F&B&8&0&0&0&lr&x&F&A&9&F&0&0&la&x&F&A&B&F&0&0&lt&x&F&A&D&F&0&0&lo&x&F&A&F&F&0&0&lr" from player
        execute command "/pr setrank %player% Generator"
    if event-item is paper of fortune with itemflag hide attributes named "§x§F§B§0§0§0§0&l&nS§x§E§2§0§0§0§0&l&ne§x§C§9§0§0§0§0&l&na§x§B§0§0§0§0§0&l&ns§x§9§7§0§0§0§0&l&no§x§7§E§0§0§0§0&l&nn §x§6§4§0§0§0§0&l&nS§x§4§B§0§0§0§0&l&na§x§3§2§0§0§0§0&l&nv§x§1§9§0§0§0§0&l&ne§x§0§0§0§0§0§0&l&nr":
        remove paper of fortune with all item flags named "§x§F§B§0§0§0§0&l&nS§x§E§2§0§0§0§0&l&ne§x§C§9§0§0§0§0&l&na§x§B§0§0§0§0§0&l&ns§x§9§7§0§0§0§0&l&no§x§7§E§0§0§0§0&l&nn §x§6§4§0§0§0§0&l&nS§x§4§B§0§0§0§0&l&na§x§3§2§0§0§0§0&l&nv§x§1§9§0§0§0§0&l&ne§x§0§0§0§0§0§0&l&nr" from player
        execute command "/pr addplayerperm %player% skript.s-save"
        send "&4WARNING: &cmake sure that you have atleast 1 row of empty space in your inventory before leaving the server or you might lose some of your stuff!" to player