When to use "wait a tick"

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New Member
May 29, 2021
So I was reading some skript tutorials and it said: "Please note that while loops don't have a delay, so they are faster than a tick and will crash the server if you are using Minecraft stuff (like blocks) without at least a tick delay: wait a tick"

can someone tell me when to use "wait a tick" I really what to know when to use it sinds my server crashes sometimes bc of this ;-;
one example is when creating a gui, i always put "wait a tick" in between the open chest inventory and format slot

open virtual chest inventory with size 3 to player
wait 1 tick
format gui slot 10 of player with a stick
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one example is when creating a gui, i always put "wait a tick" in between the open chest inventory and format slot

open virtual chest inventory with size 3 to player
wait 1 tick
format gui slot 10 of player with a stick

Thank you so much, do you maybe have some other examples and can you also tell me when you don't have to use it?
Another instance where you should use (not necessarily wait 1 tick, but more like 10 ticks) is on loops such as while player is online.

while player is online:
    # do something
    wait 10 ticks

I don't really understand what you mean by times you don't need to use it. That's basically everytime that you don't use it lol.
I don't have any other times off the top of my head.
You don't need to wait a tick every time you open a gui and second "Another instance where you should use (not necessarily wait 1 tick, but more like 10 ticks)" in a while loop you always have to use it!
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