Warden sonic boom item

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Feb 12, 2024
Hey there,

Can someone write me a skript that directly mimics the warden sonic boom attack? My only specific request is that in order to actually use the sonic boom its:

on right click:
    if player is holding diamond sword named "&bSonic Boom"
#   ... insert sonic boom code here

on right click:
if player is holding diamond sword named "&bSonic Boom":
set {_radius} to 5 # Radius of the sonic boom effect (adjust as needed)
set {_power} to 3 # Power of the explosion (adjust as needed)
        set {_location} to location of player
        create explosion at {_location} with power {_power} affecting {_radius} blocks
play sound "entity.generic.explode" at {_location} with volume 1 and pitch 1
send "&b*BOOM!* You unleashed the Sonic Boom!" to player

  • on right click: Listens for when a player right-clicks.
  • if player is holding diamond sword named "&bSonic Boom": Checks if the player is holding a diamond sword named "&bSonic Boom".
  • create explosion: Creates an explosion at the player's location with a specified power (_power) affecting a radius (_radius) of blocks.
  • play sound: Plays an explosion sound at the location of the explosion.
  • send message: Notifies the player that they have unleashed the Sonic Boom.
Hey there,

Can someone write me a skript that directly mimics the warden sonic boom attack? My only specific request is that in order to actually use the sonic boom its:

on right click:
    if player is holding diamond sword named "&bSonic Boom"
#   ... insert sonic boom code here

oAcidic you arent safe. i remember you from levelsgen.