wand cooldown with changing cmd

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Nov 22, 2021
Hello! I'm trying to make wand that changes custom model data on cooldown, but I don't know how to select that specific item even if player is not holding it! Here's my code

every 0.1 second:
    loop players:
        if {cooldown_necromancers_wand::%loop-player's uuid%} is "active":
            set {cooldown_necromancers_wand::%loop-player's uuid%} to "inactive"
            set custom model data of loop-player's tool to 10001
            send action bar "&c▇&7▇▇▇▇" to loop-player
            play sound "minecraft:block.dispenser.fail" with volume 10 and pitch 0 for loop-player
            wait 1 second
            send action bar "&c▇▇&7▇▇▇" to loop-player
            play sound "minecraft:block.dispenser.fail" with volume 10 and pitch 0.5 for loop-player
            wait 1 second
            send action bar "&c▇▇▇&7▇▇" to loop-player
            play sound "minecraft:block.dispenser.fail" with volume 10 and pitch 1 for loop-player
            wait 1 second
            send action bar "&c▇▇▇▇&7▇" to loop-player
            play sound "minecraft:block.dispenser.fail" with volume 10 and pitch 1.5 for loop-player
            wait 1 second
            send action bar "&c▇▇▇▇▇" to loop-player
            play sound "minecraft:block.dispenser.fail" with volume 10 and pitch 2 for loop-player
            wait 1 second
            loop all items in the loop-player's inventory:
                set custom model data of loop-item to 10000
Assuming the "Necromancer's Wand" is a blaze rod with the name "Necromancer's Wand", you'd need to do:
loop all items in the loop-player's inventory:
    loop-item is blaze rod named "Necromancer's Wand":
        #do stuff