if lore of player's tool is "Speaker":
if {} is not set:
set {} to 0
add 1 to {}
set {speakerXcord::%{}%} to "%event-block's x-coordinate%" parsed as integer
set {speakerYcord::%{}%} to "%event-block's y-coordinate%" parsed as integer
set {speakerZcord::%{}%} to "%event-block's y-coordinate%" parsed as integer
It just returns <none>, as if nothing is stored in the variable.
Ok, this is what happens when you are working for 4 hours in a row in a skript.
The problem was to set to "%event-block's x-coordinate%" instead of "set to event-blocks x-coordinates". It doesn't need to be inside " and with % around.
if lore of player's tool is "Speaker":
if {} is not set:
set {} to 0
add 1 to {}
set {speakerXcord::%{}%} to event-block's x-coordinate
set {speakerYcord::%{}%} to event-block's y-coordinate
set {speakerZcord::%{}%} to event-block's z-coordinate
set {protecao.speaker::%{}%} to event-block's location
Now its working.
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