I know this should be in the request section, but I don't feel that gets looked at enough anymore, so if you've read this far, please do continue and allow me to enlighten you. I am trying to recreate what I like to call Adaptive Inventories, to dumb this term down, inventories/gui's that will be specific to the user/player that opens them, and can be updated every few minutes, the part that I need your help, your input, is the adaptive part, I am in no way good at skript inventories. So what I would like help with is this, how would one go about taking a variable such as " {task.%player%} is true, set slot 5 of gui to gold block named "yes"". Pretty much using variables to determine certain tasks the user has completed, and the variables values determine what will be in certain slots of the opened gui. Thanks for your time, please excuse how sloppilly written this is, and the section it's under, one thing I must say before ending off this post, if you're just here to say "wrong section", please get a life. )
~Selvati ♥
~Selvati ♥