Solved Use the socket of MundoSk

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Jan 26, 2017
Good evening,
I do not understand how sockets works, I would like to use them for a system of voting of a page php to my server, is it possible? Is there an event to indicate when an information is sent / received ?
Thank you !
Good evening,
I do not understand how sockets works, I would like to use them for a system of voting of a page php to my server, is it possible? Is there an event to indicate when an information is sent / received ?
Thank you !
As far as I know, MundoSK only listens for sockets sent from servers.
If anyone has more knowledge on this subject, please correct me if I am wrong.

The last thing I made with MundoSK sockets was inter-server chat communication, which only sent and received information via two servers and nothing else.

Looking at this syntax, it seems you have to open sockets through functions:
open function socket at port %port% with password "%password%" through function "%function%"

Server 1
function gChat(t: strings, info: objects):
  loop all players:
    if {gchat::%uuid of loop-player%} is set:
      send "%{_t::1}%" to loop-player
  send "%{_t::1}%" to console

on chat:
    cancel the event
    set {_msg} to "A %player% > %message%"
    replace all "<none>" in {_msg} with "Console"
    loop all players:
        if {gchat::%uuid of loop-player%} is set:
            send "%{_msg}%" to loop-player
    write "password" and {_msg} to socket with host "localhost" port 25567

on script load:
  open function socket at port 25566 with password "wwaters11" through function "gChat"

Server 2
function gChat(t: strings, info: objects):
  loop all players:
    if {gchat::%uuid of loop-player%} is set:
      send "%{_t::1}%" to loop-player
  send "%{_t::1}%" to console

on chat:
    cancel the event
    set {_msg} to "A %player% > %message%"
    replace all "<none>" in {_msg} with "Console"
    loop all players:
        if {gchat::%uuid of loop-player%} is set:
            send "%{_msg}%" to loop-player
    write "password" and {_msg} to socket with host "localhost" port 25566

on script load:
  open function socket at port 25567 with password "wwaters11" through function "gChat"
Thanks !
I understand better this is what I understood by looking at the documentation ...
It is therefore not possible to execute a command from a php request?
Dommage ^^
Thanks for your help and for the link as well :emoji_wink:
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