UnparsedLiterals must be converted before use error

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Mar 7, 2017
When I use following code in skript. I get this error in the console, https://pastebin.com/5su430WC:

$ thread
add objects in column "last_name" from result of query "SELECT last_name FROM users WHERE team_id='%{_id}%'" and close to {temp_::team::teams::%{_id}%::members_name::*}
$ thread
set {temp_::team::teams::%{_id}%::block} to the first element out of objects in column "block" from result of query "SELECT block FROM teams WHERE id_team='%{_id}%'" and close
$ thread
add objects in column "content" from result of query "SELECT content FROM teams_motd WHERE id_team='%{_id}%' ORDER BY line ASC" and close to {temp_::team::teams::%{_id}%::motd::*}

Server version: PaperSpigot 1.8.8
Skript version: 2.2-SNAPSHOT
SkQuery version: 3.21.4
SkQueryAPI version: 4.0
I found out, that it's this code, that gives the error in the console

delete {_ally_id::*}
if size of {temp_::team::teams::%{_id}%::ally_id::*} is 0:
    $ thread
    add objects in column "id_team_ally" from result of query "SELECT id_team_ally FROM teams_allys WHERE id_team='%{_id}%'" and close to {_ally_id::*}
    loop {_ally_id::*}:
        add "%loop-value%" parsed as a number to {temp_::team::teams::%{_id}%::ally_id::*}
    if size of {_ally_id::*} is not 0:
        loop {_ally_id::*}:
            if {temp_::team::teams::%loop-value%::name} is not set:
                $ thread
                set {temp_::team::teams::%loop-value%::name} to the first element out of objects in column "name" from result of query "SELECT name FROM teams WHERE id_team='%loop-value%'" and close
                $ thread
                set {temp_::team::teams::%loop-value%::level} to the first element out of objects in column "level" from result of query "SELECT level FROM teams WHERE id_team='%loop-value%'" and close parsed as a number
                $ thread
                set {temp_::team::teams::%loop-value%::leader_uuid} to the first element out of objects in column "leader" from result of query "SELECT leader FROM teams WHERE id_team='%loop-value%'" and close
                $ thread
                set {temp_::team::teams::%loop-value%::leader_name} to the first element out of objects in column "last_name" from result of query "SELECT last_name FROM users WHERE uuid='%{temp_::team::teams::%loop-value%::leader_uuid}%'" and close
                $ thread
                set {temp_::team::teams::%loop-value%::coleader_uuid} to the first element out of objects in column "coleader" from result of query "SELECT coleader FROM teams WHERE id_team='%loop-value%'" and close
                if "%{temp_::team::teams::%loop-value%::coleader_uuid}%" is "<none>":
                    set {temp_::team::teams::%loop-value%::coleader_uuid} to "<none>"
                    set {temp_::team::teams::%loop-value%::coleader_name} to "Ingen"
                    $ thread
                    set {temp_::team::teams::%loop-value%::coleader_name} to the first element out of objects in column "last_name" from result of query "SELECT last_name FROM users WHERE uuid='%{temp_::team::teams::%loop-value%::coleader_uuid}%'" and close
                if "%{temp_::team::teams::%loop-value%::coleader_name}%" is "<none>":
                    set {temp_::team::teams::%loop-value%::coleader_uuid} to "<none>"
                    set {temp_::team::teams::%loop-value%::coleader_name} to "Ingen"
delete {_enemy_id::*}
if size of {temp_::team::teams::%{_id}%::enemy_id::*} is 0:
    $ thread
    add objects in column "id_team_enemy" from result of query "SELECT id_team_enemy FROM teams_enemys WHERE id_team='%{_id}%'" and close to {_enemy_id::*}
    loop {_enemy_id::*}:
        add "%loop-value%" parsed as a number to {temp_::team::teams::%{_id}%::enemy_id::*}
    if size of {_enemy_id::*} is not 0:
        loop {_enemy_id::*}:
            if {temp_::team::teams::%loop-value%::name} is not set:
                $ thread
                set {temp_::team::teams::%loop-value%::name} to the first element out of objects in column "name" from result of query "SELECT name FROM teams WHERE id_team='%loop-value%'" and close
                $ thread
                set {temp_::team::teams::%loop-value%::level} to the first element out of objects in column "level" from result of query "SELECT level FROM teams WHERE id_team='%loop-value%'" and close parsed as a number
                $ thread
                set {temp_::team::teams::%loop-value%::leader_uuid} to the first element out of objects in column "leader" from result of query "SELECT leader FROM teams WHERE id_team='%loop-value%'" and close
                $ thread
                set {temp_::team::teams::%loop-value%::leader_name} to the first element out of objects in column "last_name" from result of query "SELECT last_name FROM users WHERE uuid='%{temp_::team::teams::%loop-value%::leader_uuid}%'" and close
                $ thread
                set {temp_::team::teams::%loop-value%::coleader_uuid} to the first element out of objects in column "coleader" from result of query "SELECT coleader FROM teams WHERE id_team='%loop-value%'" and close
                if "%{temp_::team::teams::%loop-value%::coleader_uuid}%" is "<none>":
                    set {temp_::team::teams::%loop-value%::coleader_uuid} to "<none>"
                    set {temp_::team::teams::%loop-value%::coleader_name} to "Ingen"
                    $ thread
                    set {temp_::team::teams::%loop-value%::coleader_name} to the first element out of objects in column "last_name" from result of query "SELECT last_name FROM users WHERE uuid='%{temp_::team::teams::%loop-value%::coleader_uuid}%'" and close
                if "%{temp_::team::teams::%loop-value%::coleader_name}%" is "<none>":
                    set {temp_::team::teams::%loop-value%::coleader_uuid} to "<none>"
                    set {temp_::team::teams::%loop-value%::coleader_name} to "Ingen"