Tuske 1.8 GUI's

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Aug 4, 2021
on right click:
    if id of held item is 397:
        if name of held item is "&5Profile &7(Right Click)":
            cancel event
            open chest with 3 rows named "&5Profile" to player
            wait 1 tick
            set slot 4 of current inventory of player to skull of "%player%" named "&5%player's name%" with lore "&7This is your profile!"
            set slot 12 of current inventory of player to paper named "&aStats" with lore "&aClick this to show your stats!"
            set slot 13 of current inventory of player to emerald named "&aStore" with lore "&etest"
            set slot 14 of current inventory of player to book named "&eFreinds" with lore "&bShows your friendlist!"

on inventory click:
    inventory name of current inventory of player is "&5Profile"
    name of clicked item is "&aStats"
    close inventory of player
    make player execute command "stats"

[17:38:56 INFO]: [Skript] Reloading kitpvp.sk...
[17:38:56 ERROR]: a slot can't be set to 'skull of "%player%" named "&5%player's name%" with lore "&7This is your profile!"' because the latter is neither an item type nor an item stack (kitpvp.sk, line 237: set slot 4 of current inventory of player to skull of "%player%" named "&5%player's name%" with lore "&7This is your profile!"')
[17:38:56 ERROR]: a slot can't be set to 'paper named "&aStats" with lore "&aClick this to show your stats!"' because the latter is neither an item type nor an item stack (kitpvp.sk, line 238: set slot 12 of current inventory of player to paper named "&aStats" with lore "&aClick this to show your stats!"')
[17:38:56 ERROR]: a slot can't be set to 'emerald named "&aStore" with lore "&etest"' because the latter is neither an item type nor an item stack (kitpvp.sk, line 239: set slot 13 of current inventory of player to emerald named "&aStore" with lore "&etest"')
[17:38:56 ERROR]: a slot can't be set to 'book named "&eFreinds" with lore "&bShows your friendlist!"' because the latter is neither an item type nor an item stack (kitpvp.sk, line 240: set slot 14 of current inventory of player to book named "&eFreinds" with lore "&bShows your friendlist!"')
[17:38:56 ERROR]: Can't compare 'name of clicked item' with a text (kitpvp.sk, line 244: name of clicked item is "&aStats"')
[17:38:56 INFO]: [Skript] Encountered 5 errors while reloading kitpvp.sk!

What I want to do, is when a player clicks on the head in their inventory, they get a virtual chest opened, with head, paper, emerald, custom named and with lores, then after that on inventory click of every single one it does something, the errors are above..

MC version: 1.8
Skript version: 2.2-dev36