Solved TuSK gui problem

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Active Member
Jun 2, 2017
i have a problem, when i click on a head in the gui of my skript it only opens the stats gui of the online players, the offline player won't work :/ bdw the skript's messages are Dutch but here is the code:

function Refresh(P: player):
    set {Slots.%{_P}%} to 0
    loop 5 times:
        loop 9 times:
            format gui slot {Slots.%{_P}%} of {_P} with 1 light gray stained glass pane named " &a " to do nothing
            add 1 to {Slots.%{_P}%}
    loop 9 times:
        format gui slot {Slots.%{_P}%} of {_P} with 1 gray stained glass pane named " &a " to do nothing
        add 1 to {Slots.%{_P}%}
    if {Page.%{_P}%} is more than 1:
        remove 1 from {Page.%{_P}%}
        format gui slot 48 of {_P} with 1 arrow named "&fNaar pagina: &a%{Page.%{_P}%}%" to run function BackPage({_P})
        add 1 to {Page.%{_P}%}
    format gui slot 49 of {_P} with 1 red stained glass pane named "&7Terug naar HoofdMenu" to close then run {_P} command "/admin"
    add 1 to {Page.%{_P}%}
    format gui slot 50 of {_P} with 1 arrow named "&fNaar pagina: &a%{Page.%{_P}%}%" to run function Nextpage({_P})
    remove 1 from {Page.%{_P}%}
    set {Skip.%{_P}%} to 0
    if {Page.%{_P}%} is more than 1:
        remove 1 from {Page.%{_P}%}
        loop {Page.%{_P}%} times:
            add 20 to {Skip.%{_P}%}
        add 1 to {Page.%{_P}%}
    set {JoinedPlayers.%{_P}%} to 0
    loop {Players::*}:
        add 1 to {JoinedPlayers.%{_P}%}
    format gui slot 52 of {_P} with 1 emerald named "&fTotaal gejoinde spelers: &a%{JoinedPlayers.%{_P}%}%" to do nothing
    set {ReadyFromSkip.%{_P}%} to 0
    set {Slots.%{_P}%} to 10
    set {SkipTimes.%{_P}%} to 0
    loop {Players::*}:
        if {Skip.%{_P}%} is more than 1:
            if {SkipTimes.%{_P}%} is more than {Skip.%{_P}%}:
                set {ReadyFromSkip.%{_P}%} to 1
                add 1 to {SkipTimes.%{_P}%}
            set {ReadyFromSkip.%{_P}%} to 1
        if {ReadyFromSkip.%{_P}%} is 1:
            if {Slots.%{_P}%} is 17 or 26:
                add 2 to {Slots.%{_P}%}
            if {Slots.%{_P}%} is 35:
            set {PlayerJoinedThing.%loop-value%} to loop-value
            format gui slot {Slots.%{_P}%} of {_P} with skull of loop-value named "&f%loop-value%" with lore "&fBank: &e$%{Balance.%loop-value%}%||&fMinecoins: &b%{Minecoins.%loop-value%}%||&fLevel: &5%{level.%loop-value%}%|| ||&7Click voor meer info" to close then run function PlayerStatus1ao({_P}, {PlayerJoinedThing.%loop-value%})
            add 1 to {Slots.%{_P}%}
function PlayerStatus1ao(P: player, S: player):
    wait 2 tick
    open virtual chest with size 4 named "&lSpeler status: &7%{_S}%" to {_P}
    set {Slots.%{_P}%} to 0
    loop 4 times:
        loop 9 times:
            format gui slot {Slots.%{_P}%} of {_P} with 1 light gray stained glass pane named " &a " to do nothing
            add 1 to {Slots.%{_P}%}
    format gui slot 10 of {_P} with 1 bonemeal named "&fBank: &e%{Balance.%{_S}%}%" to do nothing
    format gui slot 11 of {_P} with 1 wait disc named "&fMinecoins: &b%{Minecoins.%{_S}%}%" to do nothing
    format gui slot 12 of {_P} with 1 xp bottle named "&fLevel: &5%{Level.%{_S}%}%" to do nothing
    format gui slot 13 of {_P} with 1 clock named "&fEerste join: &a%{Firstjointje.%{_S}%}%" to do nothing
    format gui slot 14 of {_P} with 1 compass named "&fLaatst gejoind: &a%{Lastjoin.%{_S}%}%" to do nothing
    format gui slot 16 of {_P} with 1 wooden sword named "&fSpeler vermoord: &c%{Killed.%{_S}%}%" to do nothing
    if {_S} is online:
        format gui slot 15 of {_P} with 1 glowstonedust named "&fOnline: &aJa" to do nothing
        format gui slot 15 of {_P} with 1 gunpowder named "&fOnline: &cNee" to do nothing
    format gui slot 31 of {_P} with 1 barrier named "&7Terug naar Speler status" to close then run function SRefresh({_P})

function SRefresh(P: player):
    open virtual chest with size 6 named "&lSpeler status" to {_P}

function Nextpage(P: player):
    add 1 to {Page.%{_P}%}
function BackPage(P: player):
    remove 1 from {Page.%{_P}%}

function Seealladmin(P: player):
    set {Page.%{_P}%} to 1
    open virtual chest with size 6 named "&lSpeler status" to {_P}

command /test:

error: none

i think the prob is in line: 53 and 58
I believe your function variable {_s} should define it as an offline player. Like this:
function PlayerStatus1ao(P: player, S: offline player):

That's currently how I have my GUI's working:emoji_slight_smile:
I believe you function variable {_s} should define it as an offline player. Like this:
function PlayerStatus1ao(P: player, S: offline player):

That's currently how I have my GUI's working:emoji_slight_smile:
currently restarting my server, it always takes a while, om gonna check soon
Edit: Thanks soo much for helping, i feel kinda stupid now beacuse i used offline-player and that didnt work -_-
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