Trying to make a custom scythe.

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New Member
Mar 1, 2024

Can anyone make this ability and cooldown possible in skript? Would mean a lot I don't know how to do it
Hey, I don't have a lot of information, like what item it is, or what message you want when you are on cooldown, but this is what I can do from what I know :emoji_slight_smile: Also check if the name i put to the code is right, cause i just guessed from what i see and im not too sure if its bold or not.
on right click:
    if name of event-item is "&4&lZana Scythe":
        if player has player's tool on cooldown:
            send "&cYou are on cooldown!" to player
            loop all players in radius 5 around player:
                if loop-player is not player:
                    apply blindness to loop-player for 10 seconds
                    apply slowness 4 to loop-player for 10 seconds
            set item cooldown of player's tool for player to 2 minutes
Hey, I don't have a lot of information, like what item it is, or what message you want when you are on cooldown, but this is what I can do from what I know :emoji_slight_smile: Also check if the name i put to the code is right, cause i just guessed from what i see and im not too sure if its bold or not.
on right click:
    if name of event-item is "&4&lZana Scythe":
        if player has player's tool on cooldown:
            send "&cYou are on cooldown!" to player
            loop all players in radius 5 around player:
                if loop-player is not player:
                    apply blindness to loop-player for 10 seconds
                    apply slowness 4 to loop-player for 10 seconds
            set item cooldown of player's tool for player to 2 minutes
Correct, thanks ill try it