Tree/Leaves Lighting on Fire

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New Member
Feb 27, 2019
Category: UHC

Suggested name: Deforestation

Spigot/Skript Version: Skript dev36

What I want: When a tree is chopped, there is a 1% chance that the tree will become completely engulfed in fire and when an anvil is used or a furnace is lit within 25 blocks of at least 1 leaf block, 20% of the leaf blocks in the 25 block radius will catch on fire.

Ideas for commands: /deforestation on/off/toggle

Ideas of permissions:

When I'd like it by: In a week.
on mine:
  if event-block is log:
    loop all blocks in a radius of 25:
      if loop-block is log:
        stop loop
    chance of 5%:
      loop all blocks in a radius of 25:
        if loop-block is leaves:
          set block on fire