trading thing like from hypixel skyblock

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Feb 8, 2021

so i just started skripting and I am really bad at it. I was wondering if anyone here could make a trade menu like from hypixel skyblock. so when u shift-rightclick somebody, or do /trade, it sends that person a message, like "Grandfish has sent you a trade request! do /tradeaccept to accept!!!!!', and then a gui opens that is like split in half and then you put your items in.

um im on 1.16 in a minehut server any help would be appreciated!!!!!!


and yes ive tried looking on the forums but found nothing that worked with my version of skript and minehut. only one has worked, but it didnt send a message, it just instantly opened a gui, and there were some weird glitches when you shift-clicked things into the trade menu.
There was a simmilar post with working code but i cannot find it. Making one is hard and you probably dont need one. Also Hypixel uses java which is easier to create harder things in but harder for simple ones (more time consuming than to open notepad++ and just type in command etc)
o nvm i actually figured this one out by downloading a skript from the resources! i just don't know how to mark a thread as solved xD
o nvm i actually figured this one out by downloading a skript from the resources! i just don't know how to mark a thread as solved xD
I can see you are trying to recreate your own hypixel skyblock and from your progress you are creative