Solved Toggle players

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Active Member
Jan 28, 2017
Hey, I'm wondering how could I make it so on /togglep it will toggle all players(remove all players from the player who ran the command) except people that have the perm "toggle.bypass.player" I'm using 1.10.2 MC.
You could do this
command /togglep:
        if {togglep.%player%} is not set:
            set {togglep.%player%} to "true"
            wait 1 tick
        if {togglep.%player%} is "true":
            set {togglep.%player%} to "false"
            send "&cHiding players" to player
            loop all players:
                if loop-player doesn't have permission "toggle.bypass.player":
                    hide loop-player from player
        if {togglep.%player%} is "false":
            set {togglep.%player%} to "true"
            send "&aRevealing players" to player
            reveal all players to player
[doublepost=1505691374,1505616827][/doublepost]Glad i could help :emoji_slight_smile:
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You could do this
command /togglep:
        if {togglep.%player%} is not set:
            set {togglep.%player%} to "true"
            wait 1 tick
        if {togglep.%player%} is "true":
            set {togglep.%player%} to "false"
            send "&cHiding players" to player
            loop all players:
                if loop-player doesn't have permission "toggle.bypass.player":
                    hide loop-player from player
        if {togglep.%player%} is "false":
            set {togglep.%player%} to "true"
            send "&aRevealing players" to player
            reveal all players to player
[doublepost=1505691374,1505616827][/doublepost]Glad i could help :emoji_slight_smile:
Why put booleans in text............? Please remove the quotes.