
API TitleAPI v1.4.1

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Active Member
Jan 26, 2017
Vexio submitted a new resource:

TitleAPI - Send Titles & Subtitles w/o any addons!

A simple way of sending titles & subtitles w/o any sk or skQ addons!


  • No additional addons (Except for this Skript ofcourse)
  • Two simple functions

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Vexio updated TitleAPI with a new update entry:

simpleTitle update!

New Function!
simpleTitle function!

simpleTitle("titleText||subtitleText", fadeInTime, stayTime, fadeOutTime, "target")

simpleTitle("&6&lTitle Text||&e&oSubtitle Text", 1, 2, 1, "@a")

Read the rest of this update entry...
Vexio updated TitleAPI with a new update entry:

Functioning support for 1.9+

Support bug fixes
Since I did not realize Minecraft Versions 1.9, 1.10, & 1.11 had changed the json formatting, I had added a new option to the .sk file:
    serverVersion: 1.8
    # // Applical versions
    # 1.8, 1.9, 1.10, 1.11
Make sure you change this to your server version or else an error will occur.

Thank you to @Simuciokas for discovering this issue and reporting it to me on Discord (By the way, I don't use...

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Woah this is super cool!
But it is really only useful if you only have like... Skript installed since a lot of addon have titles added to them.
When executing commands by console, spam messages to op.
Server messages and spy commands of plugins that I have in my server.

If you have +20 players it would be a lot of chat spam.

Only 1 command, spam this. (/spawn execute title at the start and another at the end of teleportation)
What version of Skript are you using?
When executing commands by console, spam messages to op.
Server messages and spy commands of plugins that I have in my server.

If you have +20 players it would be a lot of chat spam.

Only 1 command, spam this. (/spawn execute title at the start and another at the end of teleportation)
Set `sendConsoleToOps` in your server.properties to false

Just re-read the error, and it seems that the function you're attempting to call for is not avaliable/registered. Make sure you rename the TitleAPI script to !title.sk so then it will load first on startup/reload.
What version of Skript are you using?
Set `sendConsoleToOps` in your server.properties to false

Just re-read the error, and it seems that the function you're attempting to call for is not avaliable/registered. Make sure you rename the TitleAPI script to !title.sk so then it will load first on startup/reload.
I didn't know! I'll tell you what happens! :emoji_slight_smile: