Throwable Axe

Script Throwable Axe v1.1.1b

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Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2017
YoshYz submitted a new resource:

Throwable Axe - Throwable Axe


Throwable Axe ( by YoshYz ) was an old idea project started more than two years ago in the bukkit forums by @GeekWithAChick.

With the time the code as lost a lot of efficiency until it now doesn't work more , so i wanted to totally recode a new one to bring back this.

  • Skellett ( Just for the sounds support )

- Support for all types of axe
- Different damage based in...

Read more about this resource...
Whut ? xD
command /test:
        loop 5 times:
            set {_loc} to location loop-number+1 blocks upwards player
            set block at {_loc} to barrier
            wait 1 tick
            spawn 1 Armor stand at {_loc}
            add "{Marker:1b,Invisible:1b,CustomName:""&3Players Online&8: &b%size of all players%"",CustomNameVisible:1b}" to nbt of last spawned entity
            wait 1 tick
            delete last spawned entity
Whut ? xD
command /test:
        loop 5 times:
            set {_loc} to location loop-number+1 blocks upwards player
            set block at {_loc} to barrier
            wait 1 tick
            spawn 1 Armor stand at {_loc}
            add "{Marker:1b,Invisible:1b,CustomName:""&3Players Online&8: &b%size of all players%"",CustomNameVisible:1b}" to nbt of last spawned entity
            wait 1 tick
            delete last spawned entity

My bad i uploaded it with a test code of my skHolograms , i'll upload the new one! Im sorry and thank you for the report.
It's cool, but you should add that skQuery it's also needed for this expression:
make player damage loop-entity by
Keep working! ^^