on join:
set {chat::spigotcolors::*} to "&1", "&2", "&3", "&4", "&5", "&6", "&7", "&8", "&9", "&a", "&b", "&c", "&d", "&e" and "&f"
set {chat::colors::*} to "<dark blue>", "<dark aqua>", "<dark red>", "<dark purple>", "<gold>", "<gray>", "<dark gray>", "<light blue>", "<dark green>", "<light green>", "<light aqua>", "<light red>", "<light purple>", "<yellow>" and "<brown>"
set {chat::%event-player%::color} to {chat::colors::%random integer between 1 and 15%}
cancel event
loop all players in radius 20 around event-player:
message "[%distance between loop-player and event-player%m]%{chat::%event-player%::color}% %event-player%:&f %{_Nmsg::%player%}%" to loop-player
broadcast "%{chat::%event-player%::color}%asd"
message line show white player name, but broadcast line show "asd" colored. Is this a bug or I'm doing something wrong ?
And doesn't matter if I use skript color format or bukkit color format.
[doublepost=1602096915,1602095840][/doublepost]I put the word "colored" after message, and worked.
message colored "text message" to loop-player