Hi everyone,
@Wrong and I are very proud to announce the official release of skUnity Docs 2.
I would like to thank the majority of people for their patience with the docs. I know that it has taken a while for the new docs to be created and released, but they're now here.
Docs 2 come jam packed with brand new features. Here's a quick rundown of some from the top of my head:
- Integration with the forums for accounts. No longer having an account for docs and forums
- Revamped design for the docs viewer and admin panel
- Mobile friendly
- Multiple examples per syntax element
- Speed improvements
- Simple to use dashboard to manage your addons
To access the docs, simply click the docs button on forums navbar, head to https://skunity.com and click "documentation" or go to https://docs.skunity.com. We did in the end, move the docs to docs.skunity.com as we believe this allows us to keep the skunity.com domain organised and able to have different content on there without affecting the docs.
As you can see at the top of the post, there is an skdocs (skUnity Docs) logo. We're also rolling out a brand new logo, designed by @Rezz.
A huge thank you to everyone that is apart of skUnity. We hope you enjoy the new docs.
If you have any feedback, suggestions, bug reports or whatever else - please reply below. Provide as much detail as possible as it helps us to know what needs doing.
Thanks from everyone at skUnity
Some features weren't working as intended and have been disabled for a short period of time. Check your Activity Queue for updates