Text Grabber

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New Member
May 8, 2020
Category: Management

Suggested name: No suggested name, just need it functional C:

Spigot/Skript Version: 2.5.3, Any addons needed I'll add C:

What I want:
a way to grab text within a pastebin or github file and get certain text from it
then send a message of that certain text to player through a command

Ideas for commands: a command for sending the certain text to the player

Ideas for permissions: no need for permissions

When I'd like it by: A reasonable time
You could do most of these with Reqn as that supports web requests, SkJade has a syntax to get the text from a pastebin file, for example
command /readpastebin <text>: #text being the id of the pastebin
        send the paste response from arg-1 with the dev key {@devKey} #the dev key being your pastebin developer key
you can read more about it here