Hello Forum,
I have a problem when I wanna send "arg-1" to my new world "ul_Parkour".
I have a problem when I wanna send "arg-1" to my new world "ul_Parkour".
command /parkourteleport <player> <text> <integer>:
permission: rank.admin
permission message: &8[&f&lServer&8] &7No Permissions!
if arg-3 is 1:
send "&8[&f&lServer&8] Complete the previous ones first!" to arg-1
if arg-3 is 2:
if arg-2 is "plains":
teleport arg-1 to location at 9.5, 15, 6.5 in world "ul_Parkour"
if arg-2 is "sunflowerplains":
teleport arg-1 to location at 134.5, 26, 196.5 in world "ul_Parkour"
Line 431: Can't understand this condition/effect: teleport arg-1 to location at 9.5, 15, 6.5 in world "ul_Parkour" (line 431: teleport arg-1 to location at 9.5, 15, 6.5 in world "ul_Parkour"') (The Parser doesn't support every syntax element.)
Line 433: Can't understand this condition/effect: teleport arg-1 to location at 134.5, 26, 196.5 in world "ul_Parkour" (line 433: teleport arg-1 to location at 134.5, 26, 196.5 in world "ul_Parkour"') (The Parser doesn't support every syntax element.)