Teleport player to [location] then teleport them back

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Dec 24, 2021
Is there a way to teleport the player which executed the command to 257 90 -58, then after 10 seconds, teleport them back?


I'm trying to make an admin room, I have this as the base:
command /admin:
permission: settingstp.admin
permission message: You cannot do that!

I've already tried this:
command /admin:
permission: settingstp.admin
permission message: You cannot do that!
set {currentpos2} to player's location
loop 2 times:
if player's location is not {currentpos2}:
wait 10 seconds
teleport player to {currentpos2}
wait 1 second
if player's location is not {currentpos2}:
cancel event
send "E"
teleport player to location at 257, 90, -58 in world "world"

Is there a way you can do that for me or fix my code so it does what I asked? Thanks!
Yea dude

command /simpleshit:
        set {_oldloc} to location of player
        teleport player to location at 257, 90, -58 in world "world"
        wait 10 seconds
        teleport player to {_oldloc}