summon lightning bolt now working

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Jan 31, 2024
on damage:
if {smite.%attacker's uuid%} is true:
summon lightning bolt

i have tried summon lightning bolt at victim,stirke lightning effect etc.But it doesnt work,i dont understand why
do you have errors?

strike lightning effect at the victim

try debugging:
on damage:
if {smite.%attacker's uuid%} is set:
send "yyy" to attacker

on damage:
if {smite.%attacker's uuid%} is true:
send "zzz" to attacker

To understand until your script work fine

"strike lightning effect at the victim" work fine for me with last version of skript
Last edited:
do you have errors?

strike lightning effect at the victim

try debugging:
on damage:
if {smite.%attacker's uuid%} is set:
send "yyy" to attacker

on damage:
if {smite.%attacker's uuid%} is true:
send "zzz" to attacker

To understand until your script work fine

"strike lightning effect at the victim" work fine for me with last version of skript
issue is that lightning effect only summons the effect,though i want a lightning bolt to spawn,deal additional damage and set enemies on fire.
issue is that lightning effect only summons the effect,though i want a lightning bolt to spawn,deal additional damage and set enemies on fire.
I'm pretty sure there are existing code statements to both damage and set the player on fire. Here. I didn't include how to damage a player as it's a very simple expression and shouldn't be too difficult to figure out :emoji_slight_smile:
strike lightning at the victim
without effect :emoji_slight_smile:
More simple than expected.