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Jun 12, 2017

Suggested name: Sign Storage

What I want:
I would that this skript allow a player to make a storage in a sign,with right click player can deposit in the sign one object at click(in the sign i can see in the second line the object type,in the third line the number of object and in the fourth line the name of sign creator ),with shift+right click player can deposit the object in the sign at stack ,with left click player can take one object at click in the sign ,
with shift+left click player can take the object in the sign to stack.
This skript must work in combo with towny plugin

Ideas for commands:
If in the first line of sign was writing [PB] all player can use the sign
If in the first line of sign was writing [PV]
only the creator sign can use the sign
If in the first line of sign was writing [CT]
all player in the creator sign town can use the sign
If in the first line of sign was writing [CTV] only ranked player in the creator sign town can use the sign

Ideas for permissions:
When I'd like it by:
two week
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