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Active Member
Feb 11, 2017

Suggested name:

Minecraft version:

What I want:
A script version of the plugin called Stomper made by knoapp. When you jump down onto another players from a great height, it transfers your fall damage to them.

A way to modify if the stomper sound plays, the radius of impact of a stomp, if the attacker's fall damage should be disabled, and if players can block a stomp by sneaking.

Ideas for commands:
/stomper - Show plugin information

Ideas for permissions:
stomper.stomp - Allows the player to perform a "Stomp."
I will make it for you. Contact me on discord: AsuDev#0714
[doublepost=1558665761,1558664562][/doublepost]This is actually a relatively small code. I'll just put it here:
I used: Skript 2.4-alpha1, Skript-Mirror 0.19.1, Paper Spigot 1.14.1
    BlockBySneak: true
    CancelStomperFallDamage: true
    PlaySound: true
    SoundPlayed: block.anvil.land
    Volume: 10
    Pitch: 1
    StompRadius: 1 # If player collision is disabled, stomps will be more accurate.

command /stomper:
    permission: stomper
    permission message: &cYou do not have permission to use this command.
        message "&3Stomper &9V1.0 &7&oby AsuDev"

on damage:
    victim is a player
    victim has permission "stomper.stomp"
    if damage cause is fall:
        set {_players::*} to all players in radius {@StompRadius} of victim
        remove victim from {_players::*}
        if {@BlockBySneak} is true:
            loop {_players::*}:
                if loop-value is sneaking:
                    remove loop-value from {_players::*}
        if size of {_players::*} is not 0:
            if {@CancelStomperFallDamage} is true:
                cancel event
            if {@PlaySound} is true:
                victim.playSound(location of victim, "{@SoundPlayed}", {@Volume}, {@Pitch})
            loop {_players::*}:
                if {@PlaySound} is true:
                    loop-value.playSound(location of victim, "{@SoundPlayed}", {@Volume}, {@Pitch})
                loop-value.damage(damage*2, victim)
I am sure you can do this with just vanilla Skript, but I prefer using skript mirror for playing sounds and damaging entities.
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