Solved StaffChat

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Jan 26, 2017
SkUnity Street
Before this thread starts I just wanna say that I am a complete noob in script which is why I request a lot of scripts to be made. Hope you understand! <3
Category: Chat

Suggested name: StaffChat

What I want:
A staff chat script. You know what I mean. :emoji_wink:

Ideas for commands:
/sc (Alias: /staffchat) - Enables staff chat. Run again and it disables staff chat.
You can also do where /sc [message] sends a message in staff chat. Both would be nice but idk if that's possible.

Ideas for permissions:

When I'd like it by: This week! <3
Before this thread starts I just wanna say that I am a complete noob in script which is why I request a lot of scripts to be made. Hope you understand! <3
Category: Chat

Suggested name: StaffChat

What I want:
A staff chat script. You know what I mean. :emoji_wink:

Ideas for commands:
/sc (Alias: /staffchat) - Enables staff chat. Run again and it disables staff chat.
You can also do where /sc [message] sends a message in staff chat. Both would be nice but idk if that's possible.

Ideas for permissions:

When I'd like it by: This week! <3

command /staffchat [<text>]:
    permission: staffchat.use
        if arg 1 is "enable" or "on":
            message "&8[&4StaffChat&8] &7You have enabled &4StaffChat&7!"
            set {staffchat.%player%} to true
            if arg 1 is "disable" or "off":
                message "&8[&4StaffChat&8] &7You have disabled &4StaffChat&7!"
                set {staffchat.%player%} to false

on chat:
    if {staffchat.%player%} is true:
        cancel event
        loop all players:
            if {staffchat.%loop-player%} is true:
                message "&8[&4StaffChat&8] &7%player's nickname% &8>> &f%message%" to loop-player

EDIT: Picture link is