Spreading Block Skript

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Jul 6, 2021
I am struggling to figure out how to make this work...I want a block to spread 1 block away from it and repeat. It cannot replace a block of air, stone, or water.
Need more information as to what event or trigger is used and which direction u want it to spread. Does it go vertically to create a path? Do you just want a straight line of blocks?
It acts like a grass block placed around dirt, but with red concrete. And it can spread to any block except water, air, bedrock, and stone.
Again, this is making no sense to me. Do you have the start of the code or could you describe what you are trying to achieve more clearly?
Basically, you know how when a grass block, when it's placed around dirt blocks, if the tick speed is set to at least 1, the grass spreads to the dirt? DaveLucky wants the red concrete to "grow" on the dirt blocks just like grass does with dirt, but with all blocks except for water, air, bedrock, and stone.
In short terms, it would litterly be sculk, but with some "upgrades". (all blocks other than water, air, bedrock, and stone)