Spawning NPC

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Active Member
Feb 8, 2018
Hello! I have a question: why an I getting those errors:
[23:06:31] [Server thread/ERROR]: Can't understand this condition/effect: spawn npc {_n} at location of {_p} ~ vector 2, 100, 0 (, line 6: spawn npc {_n} at location of {_p} ~ vector 2, 100, 0')
[23:06:31] [Server thread/ERROR]: Can't understand this condition/effect: set gravity of {_e} to false (, line 8: set gravity of {_e} to false')
[23:06:31] [Server thread/ERROR]: Can't understand this condition/effect: apply invisibility without particles to {_e} for 4 seconds (, line 9: apply invisibility without particles to {_e} for 4 seconds')
[23:06:31] [Server thread/ERROR]: 'number-<...>' can only accept a single number, not more (, line 15: set {_v} to cylindrical vector 3, loop-number-2, 1')
[23:06:31] [Server thread/ERROR]: Can't understand this condition/effect: teleport {_e} to {_ploc} ~ {_v} (, line 16: teleport {_e} to {_ploc} ~ {_v}')
[23:06:31] [Server thread/ERROR]: '::%attacker%}' is not a valid item data (, line 29: if {botcheck::%attacker%} = 4')

Skript: [SKRIPT CREATED by him ]

function circleBot(p: player):
    set {_name} to "%random integer between 11111111 and 99999999%"
    set {_n} to npc named {_name} "PLAYER"
    set fly of npc {_n} to true
    set protect of npc {_n} to false
    spawn npc {_n} at location of {_p} ~ vector 2, 100, 0
    set {_e} to entity from npc {_n}
    set gravity of {_e} to false
    apply invisibility without particles to {_e} for 4 seconds
    wait 4 seconds
    add {_e} to {bots::*}
    loop 5 times:
        loop 360 times:
            set {_ploc} to location of {_p}
            set {_v} to cylindrical vector 3, loop-number-2, 1
            teleport {_e} to {_ploc} ~ {_v}
            mod(loop-number-2, 23) = 0
            wait 1 ticks
    remove {_e} from {bots::*}
    remove npc {_n}
    delete npc {_n}
    delete {botcheck::%{_p}%}
on damage:
    {bots::*} contains victim
    attacker is a player
    cancel event
    add 1 to {botcheck::%attacker%}
    if {botcheck::%attacker%} = 4
    kick attacker due to "Killaura suspect!"
command /bot:

Skript version 2.2-Fixes-V8b
Skellett version 1.9.6b
skRayFall version 1.9.15
Citizens version 2.0.16-SNAPSHOT (build 1267)

P.s. Sorry for bad English

create [a] (citizen|npc) [(named|with name)] %string% [and] [with] [entity] type %entitytype% [at %-location%]

create npc named "Nano" with type player at player's location

just noticed, you don't seem to be familiar with skript so yeah i'll be very soft & kind :emoji_slight_smile:

if {botcheck::%attacker%} = 4
kick attacker due to "Killaura suspect!"

to start off, you need to put ":" after the number 4 and you need a tab before "kick", then that is just non-sense kicking a player because of 4 hits with the reason kill aura?? what?? correct me if i'm wrong but that's not the right way of doing it... also kill aura is more like a 360º auto-aimbot not an auto clicker

edit 2:
i think i got your idea, but still it's not properly done (i think i got it)
Thanks! I will test it tomorrow.
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