Solved Spawning non-moving items

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Jan 20, 2018
Category: Dropped items

Suggested name: Not needed

What I want:
I want a function (or just the code) that spawns a item entity, without moving the item entity. I tried it myself with a few methods, but when I use the drop effect and after that teleporting it back to the original location (because drop item will give it velocity) won't work, because it's causes a visual glitch (so every client sees it moving and after that the item gets teleported). I also tried adding NBT for no motion after dropping the item, but that didn't work as well. I also tried spawning a dropped item with a preset NBT, but I didn't really know how it worked so I did work at first point but stopped working when I tried to add some variables. When I reset that back to the previous It still wasn't working. So I basically want a script that spawns non-moving items at a location from a variable.

Ideas for commands: I don't really care, I just want the code.

Ideas for permissions: Not needed

When I'd like it by: A reasonable time
There may be better ways to do this, but I just recently found out this way.
You can use SkRayFalls holograms to do this. It has a Hologram OBJECT .... where it places an object floating that won't move and can not be picked up.
I'd send the link for the docs, but apparently the docs page is down right now
Is it this one: If so, how do a specify a specific item?
yes that is the one.... don't event BEGIN to ask me how this works, but it does haha!
I just saw it as an example someone else used

create holo object "&aTEST;ItemStack:Gold Nugget;;" with id "testobject" at location 1 above player
yes that is the one.... don't event BEGIN to ask me how this works, but it does haha!
I just saw it as an example someone else used

create holo object "&aTEST;ItemStack:Gold Nugget;;" with id "testobject" at location 1 above player
Any idea why this isn't working?
create holo object "&aTEST;ItemStack:Gold Nugget;;" with id "testobject" at {_loc}
Also Is there a way to make players be able to pick up the items, because that's my main goal of this.
Any idea why this isn't working?
create holo object "&aTEST;ItemStack:Gold Nugget;;" with id "testobject" at {_loc}
Also Is there a way to make players be able to pick up the items, because that's my main goal of this.
Why not just do:
Drop 1 of item at location without velocity
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Oh yeah. Well I spend like an hour trying to figure out how to it. Well next time I'm going to look at the syntax before trying it. Thanks
Oh yeah. Well I spend like an hour trying to figure out how to it. Well next time I'm going to look at the syntax before trying it. Thanks
Haha no problem
I wish I had thought of that in the first place. I didn’t realize you wanted the player to be able to pickup the item.