Hey, so I wanted to spawn a mob with dyed leather armor. I've tried many different ways but it just won't work. Here is my code, please help me dye the armor black.
on right click:
if name of player's held item is "&aAncient Tome":
if {undeadmagecount} is less than 1:
remove 1 book named "&aAncient Tome" from player's inventory
add 1 to {undeadmagecount}
spawn 1 skeleton at player
set max health of last spawned entity to 75
set health of last spawned entity to 75
set held item of last spawned entity to bone of sharpness 10
set offhand item of last spawned entity to book of mending 1
set helmet of last spawned entity to air
set chestplate of last spawned entity to leather chestplate
set leggings of last spawned entity to leather leggings
set boots of last spawned entity to leather boots
set display name of last spawned entity to "&7[Lv10] &4&lUndead Mage &c75&7/&c75"