Sorting the wrong way.

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Active Member
Feb 5, 2017
My code>


My results >





Basically I'm trying to make a top kills from yml files, not saved variables. but the sorting is wrong. If anyone could help that would be great!

I don't think RandomSK sorting works very well anymore (not 100% sure). Try using Bensku's one
set {_sorted::*} to sorted {var::*}
I got a console error.
usefull informantion...

Use this other methode

loop {kill::*}:#change here your variables.
            add 1 to {_size}
            if {} is not set:
                set {} to loop-index
                set {_n} to 0
                loop {_size} times:
                    set {_n} to {_n}+1
                    {{_n}%} is not set
                    set {{_n}%} to loop-index
                    stop loop
        wait 1 tick
        set {_n} to size of {*}
        loop {*}:
            set {{_n}%} to loop-value
            set {_n} to {_n}-1
        wait 1 tick
        set {_i} to 0
        send "&7&m-----------&8< &6Top10 &8>&7&m-----------"
        loop {*}:
            add 1 to {_topnumber}
            set {_player} to "%loop-value%" parsed as offlineplayer
            send "&7%{_topnumber}% - &c%{_player}% &8» &7%{kill::%loop-value%}% Kills"
            add 1 to {_i}
            if {_topnumber} > 9:
        send "&7&m------------------------------"

Here's my code

        else if arg-1 is "top":
            set {_guilds::*} to directory "AGDATABASE/guilds/"'s files
            send "&c&lCOLLECTING DATA..."
            loop {_guilds::*}:
                set {_guilds2::all::*} to "%loop-value%"
                replace "/home" with "" in {_guilds2::all::*}
                replace "/gs" with "" in {_guilds2::all::*}
                replace "/data" with "" in {_guilds2::all::*}
                replace "/servers" with "" in {_guilds2::all::*}
                replace "/5101781" with "" in {_guilds2::all::*}
                replace "/AGDATABASE/guilds/" with "" in {_guilds2::all::*}
                replace ".yml" with "" in {_guilds2::all::*}
                set {_guilds2::kills::*} to skutilities yml list "kills" from file "AGDATABASE/guilds/%{_guilds2::all::*}%.yml"   
                set {_Toplist::*} to sorted {_guilds2::kills::*} #with output "@index %{_guilds2::all::*}% -- %{_guilds2::kills::*}%"
                loop {_Toplist::*}:
                    add 1 to {_size}
                    if {} is not set:
                        set {} to loop-index-2
                        set {_n} to 0
                        loop {_size} times:
                            set {_n} to {_n}+1
                            {{_n}%} is not set
                            set {{_n}%} to loop-index-2
                            stop loop
                wait 1 tick
                set {_n} to size of {*}
                loop {*}:
                    set {{_n}%} to loop-value-2
                    set {_n} to {_n}-1
                wait 1 tick
                set {_i} to 0
                send "&7&m-----------&8< &6Top10 &8>&7&m-----------"
                loop {*}:
                    add 1 to {_topnumber}
                    set {_player} to "%loop-value-2%"
                    send "&7%{_topnumber}% - &c%{_player}% &8» &7%{kill::%loop-value-2%}% Kills"
                    add 1 to {_i}
                    if {_topnumber} > 9:
                send "&7&m------------------------------"

Here's my results >


Here's my code

        else if arg-1 is "top":
            set {_guilds::*} to directory "AGDATABASE/guilds/"'s files
            send "&c&lCOLLECTING DATA..."
            loop {_guilds::*}:
                set {_guilds} to "%loop-value%"
                replace "/home" with "" in {_guilds}
                replace "/gs" with "" in {_guilds}
                replace "/data" with "" in {_guilds}
                replace "/servers" with "" in {_guilds}
                replace "/5101781" with "" in {_guilds}
                replace "/AGDATABASE/guilds/" with "" in {_guilds}
                replace ".yml" with "" in {_guilds}
                set {_guilds2::kills::*} to skutilities yml list "kills" from file "AGDATABASE/guilds/%{_guilds2::all::*}%.yml"
                set {_Toplist::*} to sorted {_guilds2::kills::*} #with output "@index %{_guilds2::all::*}% -- %{_guilds2::kills::*}%"
            loop {_Toplist::*}:
                add 1 to {_size}
                if {} is not set:
                    set {} to loop-index-2
                    set {_n} to 0
                    loop {_size} times:
                        set {_n} to {_n}+1
                        {{_n}%} is not set
                        set {{_n}%} to loop-index-2
                        stop loop
                wait 1 tick
                set {_n} to size of {*}
                loop {*}:
                    set {{_n}%} to loop-value-2
                    set {_n} to {_n}-1
                wait 1 tick
                set {_i} to 0
                send "&7&m-----------&8< &6Top10 &8>&7&m-----------"
                loop {*}:
                    add 1 to {_topnumber}
                    set {_player} to "%loop-value-2%"
                    send "&7%{_topnumber}% - &c%{_player}% &8» &7%{kill::%loop-value-2%}% Kills"
                    add 1 to {_i}
                    if {_topnumber} > 9:
                send "&7&m------------------------------"

Here's my results >

Uhm. little wirred... wait i will try...

else if arg-1 is "top":
            set {_guilds::*} to directory "AGDATABASE/guilds/"'s files
            send "&c&lCOLLECTING DATA..."
            loop {_guilds::*}:
                set {_Group} to "%loop-value%"
                replace "/home" with "" in {_Group}
                replace "/gs" with "" in {_Group}
                replace "/data" with "" in {_Group}
                replace "/servers" with "" in {_Group}
                replace "/5101781" with "" in {_Group}
                replace "/AGDATABASE/guilds/" with "" in {_Group}
                replace ".yml" with "" in {_Group}
                set {_GroupKills::%{_group}%} to skutilities yml list "kills" from file "AGDATABASE/guilds/%{_Group}%.yml"
            loop {_GroupKills::*}:
                add 1 to {_size}
                if {} is not set:
                    set {} to loop-index-2
                    set {_n} to 0
                    loop {_size} times
                        set {_n} to {_n}+1
                        {{_n}%} is not set
                        set {{_n}%} to loop-index-2
                        stop loop
            wait 1 tick
            set {_n} to size of {*}
            loop {*}:
                set {{_n}%} to loop-value-2
                set {_n} to {_n}-1
            wait 1 tick
            set {_i} to 0
            send "&7&m-----------&8< &6Top10 &8>&7&m-----------"
            loop {*}:
                add 1 to {_topnumber}
                set {_Group} to "%loop-value-2%"
                send "&7%{_topnumber}% - &c%{_player}% &8» &7%{_GroupKills::%loop-value-2%}% Kills"
                add 1 to {_i}
                if {_topnumber} > 9:
            send "&7&m------------------------------"

this should works. i have renamed the variables. You don#t need list it... and you don#t need Sorted. :emoji_slight_smile:


sorry. forget to changed variables in replace
Uhm. little wirred... wait i will try...

else if arg-1 is "top":
            set {_guilds::*} to directory "AGDATABASE/guilds/"'s files
            send "&c&lCOLLECTING DATA..."
            loop {_guilds::*}:
                set {_Group} to "%loop-value%"
                replace "/home" with "" in {_Group}
                replace "/gs" with "" in {_Group}
                replace "/data" with "" in {_Group}
                replace "/servers" with "" in {_Group}
                replace "/5101781" with "" in {_Group}
                replace "/AGDATABASE/guilds/" with "" in {_Group}
                replace ".yml" with "" in {_Group}
                set {_GroupKills::%{_group}%} to skutilities yml list "kills" from file "AGDATABASE/guilds/%{_Group}%.yml"
            loop {_GroupKills::*}:
                add 1 to {_size}
                if {} is not set:
                    set {} to loop-index-2
                    set {_n} to 0
                    loop {_size} times
                        set {_n} to {_n}+1
                        {{_n}%} is not set
                        set {{_n}%} to loop-index-2
                        stop loop
            wait 1 tick
            set {_n} to size of {*}
            loop {*}:
                set {{_n}%} to loop-value-2
                set {_n} to {_n}-1
            wait 1 tick
            set {_i} to 0
            send "&7&m-----------&8< &6Top10 &8>&7&m-----------"
            loop {*}:
                add 1 to {_topnumber}
                set {_Group} to "%loop-value-2%"
                send "&7%{_topnumber}% - &c%{_player}% &8» &7%{_GroupKills::%loop-value-2%}% Kills"
                add 1 to {_i}
                if {_topnumber} > 9:
            send "&7&m------------------------------"

this should works. i have renamed the variables. You don#t need list it... and you don#t need Sorted. :emoji_slight_smile:


sorry. forget to changed variables in replace

well... wtf... this is the reason... uhmmm wait then do this

set {_Kills::*} to yaml list "kills" from file "AGDATABASE/guilds/%{_groups}%"
set {_GroupsKills::%{_Groups}%} to {_Kills::1}

I get no results


Add me on discord for futher help, I do not wish to spam the forums. Farid#1313
[doublepost=1494176860,1494174621][/doublepost]Solved. Thanks to @ChisleLP
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