[Solved] On broadcast event

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Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2017
I use Purple IRC and the plugin does not catches the server broadcasts into the IRC.

By using a "on broadcast" event, this would be really easy:

on broadcast:
  execute console command "irc say BOTNAME ##CHANNEL %broadcast%"

The current workaround is to duplicate all the broadcasts in every skript adding the console command plus the broadcast, and takes a long time.

How do you suppose an addon developer is going to know when there is a broadcast? There's thousands of broadcast plugins and skripts, this wouldn't be very easy to implement completely but is easy for a user to implement manually.
How do you suppose an addon developer is going to know when there is a broadcast? There's thousands of broadcast plugins and skripts, this wouldn't be very easy to implement completely but is easy for a user to implement manually.
Yep, I get it...