[Snippet] Argument alias

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Jan 26, 2017
What does it do?
It creates easy aliases for your commands. For example, if you need to create a weather script and want to match many words to one type of weather, this function will return:
- the word to send to the player, for example, if you type sun it'll send sunny.
- the weather type, in this case, clear.

function alias(t: text, a: text) :: objects:
   set {_t::*} to split {_t} at "|"
   if {_t::*} is not set:
       set {_t::*} to {_t}
   loop {_t::*}:
       set {_s::*} to split loop-value at ","
       loop {_s::*}:
           loop-value-2 = {_a}
           return {_s::1} and {_s::2}
           stop loop
   return false

The usage is pretty simple:
set {_aliases::*} alias("[type you want to parse],[what to send],[word to match],[word to match]|[another type to be parsed],[what to send],[word to match],[word to match], "word to check""

# {_aliases::1} = object you want to parse
# {_aliases::2} = text you want to send to the player
You can keep going forever with the 'words to match'. Just add other commas..
[ ] are not needed.

If you didn't get it, here it is line by line:
[type to be parsed] - e.g. "creative"
[word to send] - e.g. "fly 'n' duplication mode"
[word to match] - e.g. "1"
[word to match] - e.g. "fly plus hacks"
| - another word to match
[type to be parsed] - e.g. "survival"
[word to send] - e.g. "just die mode"
[word to match] - e.g. "0"
[word to match] - e.g. "not creative"

command /weather [<text>]:
   aliases: clima, tempo, time
   permission: e.weather
   permission message: {@P}
       set {_weather::*} to alias("sunny,ensolarado,clear,limpo,claro,clear|rain,chuvoso,chuva,rainy|thunder,tespestade,storm,tempest,raios", "%arg 1%")
       if {_weather::*} is false: # False means that it didn't match anything.
           send "&3ⒸⓂⒹ &7That weather &cdoes not exist&7."
           set weather to {_weather::1} parsed as weather # Parses the first returned value
           send "&3ⒸⓂⒹ &7The weather has been changed to &a%{_weather::2}%&7." # Sends the second value
As you can see, instead of a huge code, I just had the work to write down the aliases basically.

Hope you enjoy!​