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I uploaded it on my Mediafire account: https://www.mediafire.com/?a5ps637373cmscb
I don't own the work of LeVence but I didn't find an official link to his addon, so I allow myself to upload ^^
I uploaded it on my Mediafire account: https://www.mediafire.com/?a5ps637373cmscb
All the work and rights go to Levence, the creator of the addon
The documentation:
This handy addon allows you to communicate with a TeamSpeak3³ instance in Skript!
Just simply put SKVoice into your plugins folder and get new experience of coding.
❖ Sending channel messages to query instance
❖ Sending broadcast messages to query instance
❖ Able to kick online clients by ID
❖ Able to tempban on- & offline clients by ID
❖ Able to permban on- & offline clients by ID
❖ Able to poke online clients by ID
❖ Able to send private messages to online clients
❖ Adding group(s) to on- & offline clients
❖ Removing group(s) from on- & offline clients
❖ Changing description of online clients
❖ Removing description from online clients
❖ Able to unban clients by ID
❖ Able to delete all ban entries
❖ Checking connection state of query
❖ Checking online state of clients by ID
❖ Checking ban state of clients by ID
❖ Checking if clients are in a specific group
❖ Able to get nicknames of on- & offline clients
❖ Able to get last ip-addresses of on- & offline clients
❖ Able to get descriptions of online clients
❖ I[/I] Able to get identities of online- & offline clients by nickname
❖ I[/I] Able to get identities of online- & offline clients by ip-address
❖ I[/I] Able to create a new privilege key by group id
❖ I[/I] Able to get identities of all online clients
✎ Note: "ID" means the identity value of a client.
► EFFECTS (16):
● Connecting to TeamSpeak³ server:
(teamspeak|ts) [server] connect to %string% with user %string% and (login|credentials) %string%, %string% [on query port %integer%] [at flood level %string%]
● Disconnecting from TeamSpeak³ server:
(teamspeak|ts) [server] disconnect
● Sending channel message to instance:
(teamspeak|ts) [server] send channel message %string%
● Sending broadcast message to instance:
(teamspeak|ts) [server] send broadcast message %string%
● Kicking online client from instance:
(teamspeak|ts) [server] kick client %string% (due to|because) %string% from server
● Banning on- & offline client temporary:
(teamspeak|ts) [server] tempban client %string% (due to|because) %string% for %integer% seconds
● Banning on- & offline client permanently:
(teamspeak|ts) [server] ban client %string% (due to|because) %string%
● Poke'ing online client with message:
(teamspeak|ts) [server] poke client %string% with (text|message) %string%
● Sending private message to online client:
(teamspeak|ts) [server] send private (text|message) %string% to client %string%
● Adding on- & offline client to group:
(teamspeak|ts) [server] add client %string% to group id %integer%
● Removing on- & offline client from group:
(teamspeak|ts) [server] remove client %string% from group id %integer%
● Changing description of online client:
(teamspeak|ts) [server] change description of client %string% to %string%
● Removing description of online client:
(teamspeak|ts) [server] remove description of client %string%
● (v1.1.0+) Creating and returns a new privilege key by group id:
[set %variable% to] new (teamspeak|ts) privilege key by group id %string%
● Deleting all ban entries from instance:
(teamspeak|ts) [server] delete all ban entries
● Unbanning client from instance:
(teamspeak|ts) [server] unban client %string%
● Returns the nickname of specific on- & offline client:
(teamspeak|ts) (name|nickname) of client %string%
%string%'s (teamspeak|ts) (name|nickname)
● Returns the ip-address of specific on- & offline client:
(teamspeak|ts) (ip|address) of client %string%
%string%'s (teamspeak|ts) (ip|address)
● Returns the description of specific on- & offline client:
(teamspeak|ts) description of client %string%
%string%'s (teamspeak|ts) description
● (v1.1.0+) Returns identities of online- & offline clients who's name is specific string:
(teamspeak|ts) get client\[s\] by (name|nickname) %string%
● (v1.1.0+) Returns identities of online - & offline clients who's IP is specific string:
(teamspeak|ts) get client\[s\] by (ip|address) %string%
● (v1.1.0+) Returns identities of all online clients (looping this will may cause lags):
[set %variable% to] [all] online clients
● Returns if query is connected or not: (Type: BOOLEAN)
(teamspeak|ts) connection state
● Returns if specific client is online or offline: (Type: BOOLEAN)
(teamspeak|ts) online state of client %string%
%string%'s (teamspeak|ts) online state
● Returns if specific client is banned or not: (Type: BOOLEAN)
(teamspeak|ts) ban state of client %string%
%string%'s (teamspeak|ts) ban state
● Returns if specific client is in specific group: (Type: BOOLEAN)
(teamspeak|ts) client %string% check group id %integer%
✔ Step 1: Connect through socket to your TeamSpeak³ server!
# valid flood levels: DEFAULT and UNLIMITED (only for whitelisted IPs)
on skript load:
ts connect to "" with user "Test" and credentials "query-user", "query-pw" on query port 10011 at flood level "DEFAULT"
✔ Step 2: Use any effect, expression or condition from the documentation!
here's an example - poking an online client
example client identity: dTDZSALoDlcfGQLuFbhPoLSeF8=
command /poke [] []:
if teamspeak connection state is false:
message "Can't poke client because no query is connected!"
ts poke client arg-1 with message arg-2
# here's an another example - banning an online- & offline client temporary
# example client identity: dTDZSALoDlcfGQLuFbhPoLSeF8=
command /tempban [] [] []:
if teamspeak connection state is false:
message "Can't ban client because no query is connected!"
ts tempban client arg-1 due to arg-2 for arg-3 seconds
✔ Step 3 (optional): Close socket after unloading Skript!
on skript unload:
if teamspeak connection state is true:
teamspeak server disconnect
► Why query doesn't connect to TeamSpeak³ server?
➽ Make sure you're using valid credentials (& query port) - I also suggest to add the ip address of your minecraft server to query whitelist file to avoid getting banned for e.g. command flood.
► Why is my server lagging when executing query commands?
➽ Unfortunately this is the only disadvantage but you can whitelist the ip address of your minecraft server to query whitelite file and try to use flood level 'UNLIMITED'.
► Why do I always get "Client couldn't be find!" message?
➽ If your specific client is online but can't be find by connected query, you'll need to check the permissions of all query groups.
► Where can I get query credentials / create query user?
➽ Go to "Tools" >> "ServerQuery Login", enter a random query name. Then you'll have successfully created a new query user.
► Why does query close connection automatically after a while?
➽ Please ask your teamspeak - and minecraft server hoster.
► Why does nothing happens after using effect / expression?
➽ Please view the latest log file / your console.
► Where can I get the source code of this project?
➽ Currently nowhere, sorry.
✎ Do you have another problem which isn't listed here?
✔ Write below this post or PM me and I'll help you as fast as I can!
> <a class="attachment" href="/uploads/default/original/2X/c/c000faae800795d1f531ded8d7c2384f6f35d12a.jar">SKVoice v1.0.0</a> (300,4 KB) [01/10/16 | 10.01.16]
<a class="attachment" href="/uploads/default/original/2X/6/6e9afdf9d893077b01bdadc8d8dbecc97d08bfab.jar">SKVoice v1.1.0</a> (397,5 KB) [01/16/16 | 16.01.16]
ATTENTION: The latest file of this list above is the newest! (v1.1.0)
(Compatible with Java 7 and higher & Spigot 1.7 and higher.)