Skungee - Coinsystem

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Dec 3, 2020

Suggested name:
Skungee Coinsystem

Spigot/Skript Version:
Skript 2.2/Spigot 1.8.8

What I want:
I need a Skungee Coinsystem where you can add and remove coins. There are already a few, but some of them only work halfway (or I'm too stupid), or there are errors that I can't fix.

Ideas for commands:
/coins, you can see coins (from yourself and others)
/coinsadd, you add coins
/coinsremove, you remove coins
/coinsreset, you reset coins

Ideas for permissions:

When I'd like it by:

Under a week
Hey Dude, i actually already have made this for someone else (Basicly) so i think i can just make a few changes, and Boom, done, ill send it when im done. :emoji_slight_smile:
Hey Dude, i actually already have made this for someone else (Basicly) so i think i can just make a few changes, and Boom, done, ill send it when im done. :emoji_slight_smile:

That would be quite nice of you thank you :emoji_slight_smile:

But I'm starting to get the feeling that I've got something wrong with Skungee.
also, do you want the coins to be indepentant, or should they link with vault, like real money
also, do you want the coins to be indepentant, or should they link with vault, like real money

If you can get the coins to connect to Vault that would be very handy indeed, but as I said I would need one that can easily access all the bungee servers, but how exactly the script works would be up to the developers.
Ok, so After some changes, here it is!
I have two Versions for you, Both do the exact same thing, Except one of them uses Skbee For Tab Completions, Which make it just a little better
if, you have the plugin Skbee, use the Skbee Version, if you don't, no worries, don't use the Skbee version, and it will barley Change.

Ok, so in game, do /coinshelp for the List of commands, and how to use them

and if you have ANY changes or revisions, or literaly anything you want changed or added, or removed, PLEASE tell me, im bored during lockdown, and need something to do.

Here are the Commands

/coinsAdmin: Can add, remove, set, and reset a player's coin total, this command is for admin only, they need the permission "coins.admin"
/coins: Can check coin balance, do just "/coins" to check your coins, and "/coins <player>" to check a different player's coins
/coinspay: Pays Someone Else Coins, from Your Personal Coin Balance

Extra Command (Feel Free to Remove:emoji_slight_smile:):
coinswithdrawl: Used to convert your coin balance to physical money, do "/coinswithdraw <Amount>" and right click to claim the bank note, once its made

Oh, if you want to contact me faster, my discord is Dogloverblue17#3786


  • Skungee Coinsystem (No Skbee Version).txt
    4.2 KB · Views: 342
  • Skungee Coinsystem (Skbee Version).txt
    4.3 KB · Views: 321
Purple, do you happen to need an economy skript? cause i have a full eco skript, with jobs and stuff, just btw.