
Addon Skuishy 2.8.1

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aabss updated Skuishy with a new update entry:



This is a fairly small release, but I promise next release will be worth it :emoji_slight_smile:

 - Living Entity - Jump | Makes a living entity jump

 - replace gson with json
 - fix pattern for
 - fix server not working if disky is installed
 - Fix 'method exists' in EffChatCompletions
 - Removed Tickmanager elements...

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Fusezion updated Skuishy with a new update entry:

2.8.1 - The start of the end

This is the final update with commits from aabss, ownership of Skuishy has been transferred to me (@Fusezion), I'll continue the maintaining of this addon and occasionally add new syntax and remove old things. This will be the last update for awhile so I can focus on 2.9's rewrite of the skin api if you experience any issues report them on the discord or preferably on the github issue tracker

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