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Addon SkStuff

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Feb 10, 2017
Hello, can I make an extra NBT?
I want to use the 1.7.2 server
I can pay you
I'm running a 1.7.10 KCauldron server, it's able to have both plugins and mods. When I use SkStuff it has a few errors, I know this plugin is mainly around 1.8, but you think you could make a 1.7.10 version for the sake of those who can't update. KCauldron only has 1.7.10 versions, it's difficult to use the amazing NBT support this plugins adds when the plugin doesn't load correctly. If you're not feeling up to it, I can throw in a little money if needed.

When loading the server:
When reloading a script with NBT code:

Anyone got an updated list of the worldedit syntax for skstuff?
I'm currently dealing with this error. I've used skStuff before and I've never had this issue; so I'm curious on what is breaking it.
In-Game Error:

Command executed: `/sk reload scripts`
Console Error:
25.03 23:06:36 [Multicraft] Skipped 11 lines due to rate limit (30/s)
25.03 23:06:22 [Server] INFO at ch.njol.skript.lang.SkriptParser.parse( ~[?:?]
25.03 23:06:22 [Server] INFO at ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondCompare.init( ~[?:?]
25.03 23:06:22 [Server] INFO at ch.njol.skript.conditions.CondCompare.init( ~[?:?]
25.03 23:06:22 [Server] INFO at ch.njol.skript.lang.UnparsedLiteral.getConvertedExpression( ~[?:?]
25.03 23:06:22 [Server] INFO at ch.njol.skript.lang.UnparsedLiteral.getConvertedExpression( ~[?:?]
25.03 23:06:22 [Server] INFO at ch.njol.skript.lang.UnparsedLiteral.getConvertedExpression( ~[?:?]
25.03 23:06:22 [Server] INFO at ch.njol.skript.registrations.Classes.parse( ~[?:?]
25.03 23:06:22 [Server] INFO at ch.njol.skript.registrations.Classes.parseSimple( ~[?:?]
25.03 23:06:22 [Server] INFO at me.TheBukor.SkStuff.SkStuff$4.parse( ~[?:?]
25.03 23:06:22 [Server] INFO at me.TheBukor.SkStuff.SkStuff$4.parse( ~[?:?]
25.03 23:06:22 [Server] INFO Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.WorldGuardPlugin.getFlagRegistry()Lcom/sk89q/worldguard/protection/flags/registry/FlagRegistry;
25.03 23:06:22 [Server] INFO at [?:1.8.0_45]
25.03 23:06:22 [Server] INFO at [spigot1.8.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-efe04b8]
25.03 23:06:22 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MinecraftServer.A( [spigot1.8.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-efe04b8]
25.03 23:06:22 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.DedicatedServer.B( [spigot1.8.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-efe04b8]
25.03 23:06:22 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MinecraftServer.B( [spigot1.8.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-efe04b8]
25.03 23:06:22 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.SystemUtils.a(SourceFile:44) [spigot1.8.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-efe04b8]
25.03 23:06:22 [Server] INFO at [?:1.8.0_45]
25.03 23:06:22 [Server] INFO at java.util.concurrent.Executors$ [?:1.8.0_45]
25.03 23:06:22 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.PlayerConnectionUtils$ [spigot1.8.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-efe04b8]
25.03 23:06:22 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.PacketPlayInChat.a( [spigot1.8.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-efe04b8]
25.03 23:06:22 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.PacketPlayInChat.a( [spigot1.8.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-efe04b8]
25.03 23:06:22 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.PlayerConnection.a( [spigot1.8.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-efe04b8]
25.03 23:06:22 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.PlayerConnection.handleCommand( [spigot1.8.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-efe04b8]
25.03 23:06:22 [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_8_R3.CraftServer.dispatchCommand( ~[spigot1.8.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-efe04b8]
25.03 23:06:22 [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch( ~[spigot1.8.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-efe04b8]
25.03 23:06:22 [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute( ~[spigot1.8.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-efe04b8]
25.03 23:06:22 [Server] INFO org.bukkit.command.CommandException: Unhandled exception executing command 'sk' in plugin Skript v2.2-Fixes-V9
25.03 23:06:22 [Server] ERROR null
Skript Version: 2.2-Fixes-V9
skStuff Version:
1. I don't think this version works very well on a 1.8.8 server, you might try using an old version.
2. The stack trace says something related to WorldGuard, what version of WG are you using? Try updating to the latest one from DBO.
1. I don't think this version works very well on a 1.8.8 server, you might try using an old version.
2. The stack trace says something related to WorldGuard, what version of WG are you using? Try updating to the latest one from DBO.

I updated WorldGuard, and that seemed to fix the issue with the Plugin not being able to work properly with Skript.

I now have a new error when the `replace` effect is ran inside of a Skript.
                loop 12 times:
                    set {game.colorMix.color} to a random element out of "white wool", "purple wool", "red wool", "cyan wool", "yellow wool", "orange wool", "pink wool", "blue wool" and "green wool"
                    broadcast "%{game.colorMix.color}%"
                    set {_world} to world("minigamemaps")
                    broadcast "%{_world}% world"
                    set {_session} to new editsession in {_world} with max limit of -1
                    broadcast "%{_session}% session"
                    if {game.colorMix.color} = "white wool":
                        replace black wool from {game.colorMix.selCorner1} to {game.colorMix.selCorner2} with white wool using {_session}

28.03 23:24:16 [Server] ERROR #!#!
28.03 23:24:16 [Server] ERROR #!#!     at
28.03 23:24:16 [Server] ERROR #!#!     at
28.03 23:24:16 [Server] ERROR #!#!     at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MinecraftServer.A(
28.03 23:24:16 [Server] ERROR #!#!     at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.DedicatedServer.B(
28.03 23:24:16 [Server] ERROR #!#!     at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MinecraftServer.B(
28.03 23:24:16 [Server] ERROR #!#!     at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_8_R3.scheduler.CraftScheduler.mainThreadHeartbeat(
28.03 23:24:16 [Server] ERROR #!#!     at
28.03 23:24:16 [Server] ERROR #!#!     at ch.njol.skript.effects.Delay$
28.03 23:24:16 [Server] ERROR #!#!     at ch.njol.skript.lang.TriggerItem.walk(
28.03 23:24:16 [Server] ERROR #!#!     at ch.njol.skript.lang.TriggerItem.walk(
28.03 23:24:16 [Server] ERROR #!#!     at
28.03 23:24:16 [Server] ERROR #!#!     at me.TheBukor.SkStuff.effects.EffReplaceBlocksWE.execute(
28.03 23:24:16 [Server] ERROR #!#! java.lang.NullPointerException
28.03 23:24:16 [Server] ERROR #!#! Stack trace:
28.03 23:24:16 [Server] ERROR #!#!
28.03 23:24:16 [Server] ERROR #!#! By following this guide fixing the error should be easy and done fast.
28.03 23:24:16 [Server] ERROR #!#! If you think that it's a trigger that's causing the error please post the trigger as well.
28.03 23:24:16 [Server] ERROR #!#! and describe what you did before it happened and/or what you think caused the error.
28.03 23:24:16 [Server] ERROR #!#! If not please create a new ticket with a meaningful title, copy & paste this whole error into it,
28.03 23:24:16 [Server] ERROR #!#! and check whether this error has already been reported.
28.03 23:24:16 [Server] ERROR #!#! If you're a server admin however please go to
28.03 23:24:16 [Server] ERROR #!#! If you're developing an add-on for Skript this likely means that you have done something wrong.
28.03 23:24:16 [Server] ERROR #!#!
28.03 23:24:16 [Server] ERROR #!#! [Skript] Severe Error:
28.03 23:24:16 [Server] ERROR #!#!
28.03 23:24:16 [Server] INFO com.sk89q.worldedit.EditSession@7e5e4aba session
28.03 23:24:16 [Server] INFO minigamemaps world
28.03 23:24:16 [Server] INFO cyan wool
I am unable to set blocks like explained in the documentation. Is it buggy?

My script:

command /schem:
    permission: skript.perm.admin
        set {_session} to new edit session in player's world with limit -1
        set {_id} to "team"
        set {_loc1} to {event::name::%{_id}%::team1barrier1}
        set {_loc2} to {event::name::%{_id}%::team1barrier2}
        message "%{_loc1}% %{_loc2}%"
        set blocks from {_loc1} to {_loc2} to diamond block using {session}
        message "done"

No errors, locations are correct, but the blocks won't get placed.
Worldedit version: Loading WorldEdit v6.1.7-SNAPSHOT;3674-9f24f84

The way I am storing my location variables is this:

set {event::name::%{_id}%::team1barrier1} to location of targeted block

Also please tell me what the session limit means? Is it how many blocks I am allowed to change?

Nvm found the error .... {_session} instead of {session} :emoji_grinning:
[doublepost=1493209459,1491473307][/doublepost]I am getting console error when doing this:

command /specialmob [<text>]:
    aliases: smob, spmob
    permission: skript.perm.mod
        if arg-1 is "1":
            spawn a wither skeleton above targeted block
            set offhand tool of last spawned entity to diamond sword
            set tool of last spawned entity to diamond sword
            clear all pathfinder goals from last spawned entity
            add pathfinder goal target nearest player, check sight true to last spawned entity

[SkStuff] Loading SkStuff v1.6.4

[doublepost=1493735281][/doublepost]Please @TheBukor could you explain how to use the pathgoals or fix them?
if the spawner placed full of tourch, get nbt result will be "<none>"
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