Skrypt mining help

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Aug 30, 2024
I was wondering if its posible to make a block calculation like in hypixel (mining speed) the problem is i cant find any way to chang mining speed or block hardness.
pls help
I was wondering if its posible to make a block calculation like in hypixel (mining speed) the problem is i cant find any way to chang mining speed or block hardness.
pls help
If you are using the latest version of Minecraft, I advise you to set the mining speed attribute to zero, from this you can use something to intercept when the player starts mining and when he stops mining by executing a while player is "breaking" block, then you can take a look at the Minecraft wiki "" to find out exactly how much each breaking-speed is equivalent to 1 tick, so each time the player reaches the block breaking level, drops a drop or anything you have in mind, for the "mining packet effect" you can use skbee or some way to define the correct animation for the stage in which you mine that block, I I have some scripts related to changing mining speed if you are interested see here ""
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